  • 學位論文


The Study of Paternal Involvement in Picture Book Shared-reading for Preschool Children’s Oral Expression Ability

指導教授 : 鄭芬蘭


本研究旨在透過父職參與繪本共讀活動,以探討對幼兒口語表達能力之影響。本研究採個案研究法,以單一受試實驗設計之撤回實驗設計(withdrawal design),於基線期安排五次的觀察,於二週完成,介入期進行為期五週共十次的繪本共讀活動,而於活動結束後間隔一週,再進行為期二週五次的追蹤觀察。此外,本研究以訪談大綱、簡易個別智力量表、自編語料分析記錄表、自編讀後學習單、華語兒童理解與表達詞彙測驗(第二版)等研究工具蒐集資料。研究結果以目視分析法和C統計加以分析個案的總共句數和平均句長,以及分析個案在標準化評量工具之口語表現,並輔以觀察與訪談等資料。綜合本研究結果發現如下:(1)父職參與繪本共讀活動,對提升個案口語表達能力之總共句數具介入及保留效果。(2)父職參與繪本共讀活動,對提升個案口語表達能力之平均句長不具介入效果,但有保留效果。(3)父職參與繪本共讀活動,能提升個案部分口語表達之能力。(4)父職參與繪本共讀活動,可增進個案與家人關係之體認。最後,依據研究結過提出建議,以供相關人員、單位及未來研究之參考。


This study aimed to investigate the effects on preschool children’s oral expression ability through paternal involvement in picture book shared-reading activities. The case study method and the withdrawal design of single subject research were adopted in the study. The researcher observed the participants five times in the baseline within two weeks. Afterwards, the participants were arranged to take part in picture book shared-reading activities ten times in the intervention for two weeks. A week after the end of the activities, a follow-up observation was carried out five times for two weeks. Meanwhile, the reasearcher used “interviews outline,” “easy-and-quick intelligence scale for children,” “self-made record table of corpus analysis,” “self-made post-reading worksheet,” and “receptive and expressive vocabulary test (second edition)” to collect data. The data was analyzed with visual analysis and C statistics to calculate the number and the average length of the sentences. Furthermore, the researcher also used standardized assessment tools along with observation and interviews to analyze participants’ oral performances. The results of the study were reported as follows: (a) The paternal involvement in picture book shared-reading activities had intervention and retention effects on improving participants’ oral expression ability . (b) The paternal involvement in picture book shared-reading activities had no intervention effects on improving participants’ oral expression ability of the average length of the sentences ; however, it had retention effects. (c) The paternal involvement in picture book shared-reading activities could partially improve participants’ oral expression ability. (d) The paternal involvement in picture book shared-reading activities could make participants more intimate with their family. Last, based on the results of the study, the suggestions were provided to be reference for relevant researchers, organizations and further study.


