  • 學位論文

平埔地域的客家族群之結構化歷程研究 -以老埤村郭氏家族為例

A Structuration Study of Hakka Settlement Development in the Plain’s (Pinpu) Area:A Case of the Kuo Family in Laopi

指導教授 : 鄭春發


論文摘要 老埤村昔日是高山族群通往平原的重要隘口所在,由於天然的地理環境及自然資源的位置條件,這個空間場域成為排灣族、平埔族、漢民族(客家人、福佬人)物資交易的場域,形成多元文化衝突、交流、融合的舞台。到了國府時期,外省族群的移入,特別是榮民的移入,致使區域內各族群在差異的歷史背景、社會網絡的關係交織下,產生區域特殊的文化經濟的社會風貌。國立屏東科技大學遷入本區域後,所啟動的資本邏輯,使村落的人文、經濟、教育風氣等,在當代社會的影響下產生進一步轉變。根於地理與歷史的基礎,老埤村歷經各階段的匯集淬煉,地域內上演了一幕幕族群融合的故事,也型塑老埤今日的風貌。 清末原居六堆東勢客庄之郭氏宗族的一支,因租地、農耕、開墾及經營生意,而陸續遷至其東邊的老埤地域平埔族聚落,並於日治時期擔任保正、開辦「蕃產物交換所」,於老埤在地扮演重要的角色,從解決地方糾紛、聯合地方仕紳籌資興建廟宇、開辦學校等,無役不與,也創造老埤平埔聚落多元的風貌,本研究藉英國社會學家Giddens的結構化(歷程)理論,作為探討老埤地域社會變遷的結構與能動力的重要概念,透過時間、空間與社會三元辯證的關係,釐清郭氏宗族在老埤地域變遷所再現的角色與社會結構轉化。 關鍵字:古令埔、蕃產物交換所、平埔族、結構化歷程、地理資訊系統、老埤村


Abstract Historically, Laopi was significant for its role as a mountain pass between the hills and the plain. Due to its geographic environment and natural resource, the area served as an exchange post among the Paiwan, the Pingpu, and the Han peoples (including Hakka and Hoklo), becoming a platform of multicultural conflict, communication and integration. During the Nationalist period since 1949, with the immigration of Chinese mainlanders, particularly veterans, the area was infused with various cultures and characteristics. Such infusion made area to have a population with diversified backgrounds, social networks and socio-politic relations. With the establishment of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology in Laopi, the area’s social, cultural, economic life and education atmosphere have witnessed a great change. All these historical layers contribute to the contemporary geography and society of Laopi today. One branch of the Kuo clan, originally resided in Liudui Dongshih community in the late Qing Dynasty, gradually settled down in the Pingpu community of Laopi due to land lease, farming and business operation. The head of the Kuo family later served as a local administrative manager for the colonial government. The family also operated Yasumasa “Produce Exchange Center” for the peoples from the mountain and from the plain, with permission by the colonial government. These roles made the Kuo family significant to the local development of Laopi area. With a reputable and respected status, the Kuo family did not only settle disputes among villagers, but also raise funds to establish temple and school. The historical development of Laopi area represents a result of forces, both structure and agency. This study is thus based on Giddens’ Structuration theory to observe the evolution of the Kuo family’s role in coordinating the time, space and society to shape Laopi’s local development. Keywords:Koo-ling Pu, Produce Exchange Center, Pingpu (the Plain), Structuration Theory, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Laopi.


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