  • 學位論文


The Properties of Pineapple Leaf Fiber and it's Application

指導教授 : 藍浩繁 黃俊傑


本研究以屏東內埔種植的金鑽鳳梨葉農業副資材為原料。採用機械取纖的前置處理獲取鳳梨葉纖維材料,並以鹼法製漿造紙,探討鳳梨葉纖維紙之特性與用途。將所製作出來的鳳梨葉纖維紙張廣泛應用於生活中,進而解決鳳梨葉農業廢棄物的浪費與堆積,得以將傳統產業提高其應用價值,注入新元素。其研究結果為: 1.台農17號金鑽鳳梨葉生材的含水率極高(70~80 %),為獲取較佳纖維收率,須降低含水率到40~50 %。而機械取纖是本實驗較理想的取纖方式,有果梗與無果梗於機械取纖下進行並無太大差異,故可省去分類的步驟。 2.鳳梨葉纖維採用鹼法製漿,於6 % NaOH藥液濃度蒸煮下,皆獲得較佳之鳳梨葉纖維收率(80 %以上)。其游離度約為600 mLC.S.F,適合紙料調製而抄造紙張。於卡巴值測定以6 % NaOH藥液濃度其木質素含量亦較佳(8.68 %),符合降低藥品用量成本目標。 3.鳳梨葉纖維以NaClO進行單段漂白,於6 % NaOH藥液濃度,室溫(27℃),漂白時間 30 min,12% NaClO藥液濃度為最適條件。於漂白和未漂白的紙張性質皆以6 %之紙力性質較佳,尤其以耐折力性質最為突出。 4.保留鳳纖紙紙張的原本色澤,並將取出之鳳梨葉纖維染色,應用於裝飾燈具上以透光方式呈現出纖維紋路之美;鳳纖紙耐折之優點表現於隨身包上,且纖維位置的不確定性,使鳳纖隨身包具唯一性之特點。將鳳纖紙之特色呈現於應用產品,以提高纖維產業發展。 【關鍵字】鳳梨葉纖維、製漿造紙、產品應用


In this study we used Pingtung Neipu’s diamond pineapple’s leaf, deputy materials as a raw material. First we used machinery to preprocess pineapple leaf to obtain fiber materials, and uses alkaline process to pulping and papermaking, then discussed what pineapple leaf fiber paper’s properties and applications are. By using the pineapple leaf fiber paper in daily life, to solve the waste and accumulation of pineapple leaf agricultural waste. So that traditional industry can improve its application value, and inject new elements. The research results: 1.Taiwan agricultural No.17 diamond pineapple leaf, the moisture content of this material’s very high (70 ~ 80%), in order to obtain the better fiber yield, must reduce the moisture content to 40 ~ 50%. And to obtain fiber by machine technology is the ideal way in this study. Have stem and non-stem does not have much difference in machine technology, thus to leave out classified steps. 2.Using alkaline process to pulp pineapple leaf fiber, in 6% NaOH solution concentration cooking, obtains better pineapple leaf fiber yield (above 80%). The freeness around 600 mLC.S.F, suitable for paper material preparation and papermaking. In kappa number experiment 6% NaOH solution concentration of lignin content also better (8.68%) , conform to the study: pursue low cost on drug use. 3.Using NaClO on pineapple leaf fiber for single stage bleaching process , in 6% NaOH solution concentration , room temperature (27℃) , bleaching time 30 min , 12% NaClO solution for the optimum conditions. In bleached and unbleached paper properties of 6% paper strength property is better, especially to the folding strength of paper. 4.Keep the pineapple fiber paper original color, and dye the pineapple leaf fiber that has been taken out, application on decorative lamp by light transmission mode to show the beauty of the fiber texture; using pineapple fiber paper’s folding strength as an advantage to make carryon bags, and the fiber positions uncertainty, which characteristics the pineapple fiber carryon bag uniqueness. Using pineapple fiber paper’s characteristics in product application, in order to improve the development of fiber industry. 【key word】 Pineapple leaf fiber, Pulp and paper making, Product application


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