  • 學位論文


Efficiency Improvement for regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) in volatile organic compounds (VOCs) air pollution control equipment - Case study of a optoelectronic plant

指導教授 : 余伍洲


由於全世界對於高科技產品之需求,光電業繼半導體製造業後,成為另一個迅速蓬勃發展的新興高科技產業。光電業目前還是台灣地區重要產業之一,其相關產業使用大量揮發性有機物,其中包含光阻液、配向液、清洗劑等有機溶劑,會對環境造成不可忽視之的影響,所以環保署公告「光電材料及元件製造業空氣污染管制及排放標準(950105環署空字第 0950000717 號令)」,規範光電材料及元件製造相關產業排放之揮發性有機物(Volatile Organic Compounds, VOCs),減少因生產活動所產生之空氣污染物對環境之衝擊。 本研究以光電業TFT-LCD產業進行 VOCs 防治設備相關之實際運轉及設備效能提昇改善過程,最後以經濟有效的方法進行設備改造並符合光電法規之要求,供相關產業日後建置VOCs 空氣防治汙染設備時之參考與建議。


Since the worldwide demand for high-tech products, photoelectric industry following the semiconductor manufacturing industry, to become another booming rapidly emerging high-tech industries. Optoelectronic industry it remains one of the major industries in Taiwan, and its related industries, the extensive use of volatile organic compounds which contain liquid photoresist with the liquid, organic solvent cleaning agents, which we can not ignore the impact on the environment ,so the EPA announcement "photovoltaic materials and manufacturing components of air pollution control and emission standards (95,0105 FEHD empty word article 0950000717 Order)", Specification photoelectric materials related industries and device manufacturing emissions of volatile organic compounds (volatile organic compounds, VOCs), reduce the impact of air pollutants arising due to production activities on the environment. The actual operation and equipment of the optoelectronic industry research that is related to the industry VOCs control equipment to enhance performance improvement process, Finally, a cost-effective method for the modification of equipment and comply with the requirements of environmental regulations.


蘇佳慶,「蓄熱式焚化系統於處理VOCs 之應用」,中環環境工程顧問企業股份有限公司,2002。
龍柏華,「濕蝕刻製程介紹暨機台原理簡介」,光電科技工業協進會光連雙月刊,48 期,2003 。
