  • 學位論文


A Study on the Misconceptions in Food Additives for Students of Food Processing Department in Vocational High Schools

指導教授 : 羅希哲


本研究旨在探討南部地區國立高級職業學校食品加工科學生對食品添加物之迷思概念,期望研究成果能提供相關單位宣導食品添加物相關安全教育及相關科目授課教師,教材教法及課程安排之參考。 本研究經由參考相關文獻與分析教材後,發展成「二階段式食品添加物基本概念測驗」,研究樣本為嘉義、台南、高雄及屏東地區7所設有食品加工科的高職學校學生,共494人,經施測後,以次數百分比、t檢定、單因子變異數分析與卡方檢定進行統計分析,結果發現: 一、整體食品加工科學生在食品添加物之限量標準存在迷思概念較多。 二、屏東地區食品加工科學生在食品添加物概念上,存有較多迷思概念 三、男生在食品添加物之迷思概念多於女生。 四、食品加工科二年級學生在食品添加物之迷思概念多於三年級學生。 五、學業成績表現丁等的學生在食品添加物之迷思概念多於學業成績表現 優、甲及乙等的學生。 六、食品相關證照張數越少的學生,存在較多迷思概念 七、學生有無食品業相關工讀經驗在食品添加物迷思概念沒有顯著差異 八、不同家庭社經地位之學生在食品添加物之迷思概念沒有顯著差異。


This study is designed to investigate students’ misconception about food addictives from Department of Food Processing Science in a vocational high school. The study findings are shown to provide for the governmental authorities concerned to educate teachers of Department of Food Processing Science about how to use food addictives safely, how to teach students such concepts, and the related curriculum arrangements. This study is developed into a ”two-phase basic concept quiz about food addictives” after collecting relevant literatures and doing the curriculum analysis. The study questionnaire samples are from students of Department of Food Processing Science of vocation high schools in Chiayi, Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung counties, 494 samples in total. With the questionnaires done, some statistical analyses such as times-percentages, t-test, One Way ANOVA, and Pearson's chi-squared test are conducted to get the following findings: 1. The overall food processing science students have more misconceptions about the standard limit in food addictives. 2. Among all the sampling areas, students in Pingtung have more misconceptions about food addictives. 3. Male students have more misconceptions about food addictives than female students. 4. Students in the second grade of Department of Food Processing Science have more misconceptions about food addictives than those in the third grade. 5. Students who are rated in Level D level in their academic performance have more misconceptions about food addictives than those who are in Level A+, A, and B. 6. The less certificate in food processing related fields students have, the more misconceptions they have. 7. There is no obvious difference in having misconceptions about food addictives between the students who have part-time job experiences or who have no part-time job experiences in food processing related industries or organizations. 8. There is no obvious difference in having misconceptions about food addictives among students coming from various family social statuses.


