  • 學位論文


Comparison of zinc mobility in the soils with different depths

指導教授 : 余伍洲


土壤是維持人類生活的食物來源,不論是植物或動物,都直接或間接的依賴土壤的提供,重金屬是土壤主要的污染物,但土壤中重金屬的全量並不等同於對生物的有效性與代表在環境中的移動性。本研究目的在探討鋅在不同深度土壤中的移動性,期能掌握土壤污染危害與有助於整治復育評估。本研究選擇用臺灣西部桃園、彰化及臺南農地土壤共126組樣品,以王水法測定全量後,再以0.1N HCl萃取法、0.005M DTPA萃取法及0.05M EDTA萃取法分別測定鋅的選擇性萃取濃度,以求取分佈係數(Coefficient of distribution, Kd),即Kd值乃選擇性萃取法與王水法濃度之比值。經統計分析比較土壤物理、化學及生物性質等共11項因子與鋅的各種萃取濃度,結果發現,在Kd與各土壤性質關聯性之比較上,依序為化學性質>物理性質>生物性質,其中化學性質中以有機碳與Kd關聯性最高,並以0.05M EDTA萃取法最為明顯。在鋅的不同深度移動性比較中,以土壤的化學性質佔較多比例,也因為土壤不同深度中其化學性質的表現,而有不同的結果。


Soil is a necessary element to humans. Plants and animals directly and indirectly rely on soil to get nutrition. However, heavy metal is a main pollution in soil. All metals are not equal to the biological efficiency and mobility in the environment. The purpose of this study is to research the comparison of zinc mobility in the soils with different depths and further to control the problem of soil pollution and evaluate the environmental remediation. The study takes 128 of soil samples from western farms in Taiwan including Taoyuran, Changhua and Tainan. First, use Aqua regia to do fully testing and perform extraction method of 0.1N HC1, 0.005M DTPA and 0.05M EDTA to get zinc extraction percentage and coefficient of distribution, Kd value. The final statistics show the three main points to affect Kd and soil properties are chemical properties, physical properties and biological properties sequentially. In chemical properties, the organic carbon is associated to Kd value by 0.0M EDTA extraction method. The zinc mobility in chemical properties with different depths presents different results.


American Galvanizers Association, 2008. Zinc Metal properies
Alloway, B. J. 1995. Heavy Metal in Soils. 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons.New York.
