  • 學位論文


The Study on the Emotional Labor and Job Satisfaction of Preschool Educator in Kaohsiung and Pingtung area

指導教授 : 王淑清


本研究旨在探討高屏地區教保服務人員情緒勞務及工作滿意度的關係,並分析不同個人背景變項在情緒勞務及工作滿意度的差異情形,以及探討情緒勞務、工作滿意度的相關和預測作用。本研究以高屏地區教保服務人員為對象,以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,以分層立意抽樣方式抽取400位教保服務人員,發放400份問卷,總回收有效問卷339份,所蒐集之資料分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關以及多元迴歸分析等方式進行資料分析。本研究結果歸納如下: 一、高屏地區教保服務人員情緒勞務與工作滿意度之現況為中上程度,在情緒勞務各層面得分最高為情緒表達要求;在工作滿意度各層面得分最高為工作特性。 二、高屏地區教保服務人員因最高學歷及學校規模的不同,在教保服務人員情緒勞務上有顯著差異。 三、高屏地區教保服務人員因教學年資、最高學歷、擔任職務及學校規模的不同,在教保服務人員工作滿意度上有顯著差異。 四、整體教保服務人員情緒勞務與整體教保服務人員工作滿意度之間有低度正相關。 五、高屏地區教保服務人員情緒勞務對於教保服務人員工作滿意度具有預測力。


Aiming to investigate the relationship between emotional labor and job satisfaction of preschool educators in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area, this study analyzed the differences in emotional labor and job satisfaction among individuals of various background variables, and explored the correlation and prediction effect between emotional labor and job satisfaction. The study employed preschool educators in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area as subjects and utilized a questionnaire to collect information and data. Through a stratified purposive sampling method, 400 preschool educators were selected and 400 questionnaires were distributed, yielding 339 valid responses. Then, a descriptive statistics analysis, an independent samples t-test, a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), a Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, and a multiple regression analysis were employed to analyze the collected data. The results are summarized as follows: (1)The subjects had a medium to high level of emotional labor and job satisfaction. In addition, expression of emotion was rated the highest among all aspects of emotional labor, whilst job characteristics were rated the highest among all aspects of job satisfaction. (2)Subjects who received different levels of education, as well as the school size they were currently teaching at, were found to be subjected to significantly different degrees of emotional labor. (3)Subjects with differing degrees of teaching experience (expressed in years), highest level of education received, the position within the school, and the size of the school at which the subjects were teaching, were found to be substantially different in job satisfaction. (4)There was a low degree of positive correlation between overall emotional labor and overall job satisfaction of the subjects. (5)The subjects’ degree of emotional labor was found to be able to predict their job satisfaction.


