  • 學位論文


The Study on the Differences of Spatial Cognition of Hakka Communities as Sanmin District Of Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 鄭春發


高雄市三民區客家人最集中地區為寶珠溝一帶,餘是灣仔內、凹仔底等,其客家先祖於明、清時期從大陸沿海縣市,以及日治時期,因社會經濟、環境變遷因素自北台灣的新竹、桃園、苗栗遷移至高雄市居住的二次移民。日治時期他們在高雄愛河流域兩岸,墾荒拓地、開埤作圳無數的辛勞及汗水,終於才有良田阡陌,如今在時空洪流的演進下,客家聚落的夥房鄰里至高樓大廈高密度社區,社會網絡在空間結構展現出不同風貌,獨門獨戶的住宅單位、冷漠的人際關係、早年國民教育的語言政策,以及客家人隱形於世的性格,讓高雄都會區中的傳統客家文化不斷的流失,客庄聚落古意、典雅樣貌的人文景觀,已由現代宏觀建築及商店街所取代,使三民區內原有客庄聚落意象己不復存在,客家文化己成為都會區最需發揚與傳承的文化。 現行客家基本法中之客家重點發展地區認定係採鄉鎮居住人口中客家人(多元認同)比例,忽略了都市中仍有眾多客家人(比例少、數量多),其次,過去都會(市)地區的客家聚落相關研究探討甚少。有鑑於此,本研究採用文獻探討、歷史地圖套繪、田野調查、訪談等方式,從旁佐證都會區客家源流,在三民區內主要客家人據點以滚雪球取樣方式進行問卷調查,研究高雄都會區愛河流域兩岸客庄聚落變遷,數百年來的客家居民對客家文化、空間認知之差異。其結果顯示高雄都會三民區在使用母語以閩南語、使用多種母語比客家語較為顯著;高雄都會中客家與非客家聚落文化景觀特徵上,聚落景觀、宗教信仰、飲食習慣、民俗活動、服飾工藝、其差異性較不顯著,相較於傳統六堆地區(客家與非客家)的研究結果,有明顯的不同。期將結果做為客家行政單位,規劃客庄文化、語言、聚落營造等政策之依據。 關鍵字: 寶珠溝、二次移民、空間結構、客庄聚落、認知差異


Most of the Hakkas of Sanmin District in Kaohsiung City have settled across Baozhugou, while others in Wanzainei and Aozaidi. The ancestors of the Hakka people had immigrated to Taiwan from the coastal regions of China in the Ming and Qing Dynasty. During the Japanese occupation, because of such factors as social economy and environmental change, they immigrated the second time to Kaohsiung City from Hsinchu, Taoyuan, and Miaoli of Northern Taiwan. Throughout the period of occupation, they reclaimed the wasteland, built ponds, and dug ditch on both sides of the Love River in Kaohsiung. As a result, their labors and perspiration had led to rich farmland. Nowadays, as time went by, the neighborhoods of traditional Hakka houses in the Hakka settlements have been converted into the residential areas covered with tall buildings. The social network has presented a different style in the spatial structure. Independent housing units, isolated interpersonal relationships, language policies of early compulsory education, as well as the Hakkas’ reclusive character have contributed to the gradual loss of Hakka traditional culture in urban areas of Kaohsiung. The traditional Hakka settlements and the elegant cultural landscape have been replaced by modern magnificent buildings and shopping streets, the image of the original Hakka settlements of Sanmin District not existing anymore. Hakka culture has become one of Taiwanese cultures in urban areas that demands most promotion and has to be passing on. The key development areas of Hakka culture recognized in the current Hakka Basic Act are based on the proportion of the Hakkas (multiple identities) in the resident population of townships. However, this approach neglects the fact that many Hakkas reside in cities (small proportion, large quantities). Second, few studies have examined the Hakka settlements in urban areas (cities). Given the circumstances, this study adopts the methods, such as literature review, overlay mapping of historical maps, field research, and interview, to substantiate indirectly the origin and development of the urban Hakkas. A survey by questionnaire was conducted with snowball sampling in the region of Sanmin District populated mostly by Hakkas. This study investigates the change of the Hakka settlements on both sides of the Love River in urban areas of Kaohsiung, as well as the differences of Hakka culture cognition and spatial cognition among the Hakka residents for hundreds of years. The results show that in the use of mother tongues, the residents of Sanmin District in urban areas of Kaohsiung use Southern Min and multiple mother tongues significantly more than Hakka. On the other hand, in terms of cultural landscape features of Hakka and non-Hakka settlements in urban areas of Kaohsiung, there are no significant differences in settlement landscape, religious beliefs, eating habits, folk activities, attire and craftsmanship. However, these results are significantly different from those of previous studies of the traditional Liudui area (Hakka and non-Hakka). Finally, the results of this study can be expected to serve as a reference for Hakka administrative units for developing policies of Hakka village culture, language, and settlement development. Keywords : Baozhugou, second immigration, spatial structure, the Hakka settlements, cognitive differences


