  • 學位論文


Effect of wetting front to the soil displacement

指導教授 : 陳天健


水份為邊坡位移行為之重要影響因素,水份進入邊坡的形式可分為兩種,分別為降雨入滲及地下水。本研究利用數值模擬分析降雨入滲、地下水以及前二者同時作用時水分在邊坡之型態,觀察水分移動時單濕潤鋒與雙濕潤鋒接觸坡體內之觀測點時的前、中、後,土體之飽和度、位移運動、孔隙水壓、以及應力與應變的變化。 研究顯示負孔隙壓力上升時為濕潤鋒到達之時間;濕潤鋒接觸時,初期土體因水分增加,負孔隙水壓會有急速上升之現象,而後再隨飽和度增加,飽和度40%負孔隙水壓逐漸下降,最後完全飽和轉變成正孔隙水壓力;雙濕潤鋒在接觸土體觀測點時,飽和度與孔隙水壓皆有較劇烈的變動,其飽和度上升速率為單濕潤鋒者之3-8倍,孔隙水壓下降速率則為單濕潤鋒者的2-3倍,而雙濕潤鋒交會後正孔隙水壓之發展更數倍於一般單濕潤鋒之狀況。 而孔隙壓力接近零時位移開始產生,但從研究中發現有效應力為零才位移大量驅動的主因而濕潤鋒在接觸土體觀測點時,當土體飽和度開始上升時,土體微量位移就已經出現,約於濕潤鋒到達時,土體開始運動;然於完全飽和時,土體方有明顯位移的運動。而位移量最大為純地下水、次之為降雨、降雨地下水同時最小,但其位移延時為降雨地下水同時最短其延時為坡頂入滲及純地下水之2-3倍顯示在雙濕潤鋒影響之坡面有時間較集中破壞較快之現象。


濕潤鋒 數值模擬 土體位移


Water is an important influence factor to the slope displacement. In this study, numerical simulation was conducted on three kind infiltration conditions of slope water including rainfall, groundwater, rainfall and groundwater at the same time. The influence of single-wetting front and dual-wetting front to the soil slope was studied by observing the driven displacement and soil saturation, pore water pressure, stress and strain behavior at the period of before, during and after slope full saturation. Studies have shown dual-wetting front have witnessed drastic changes in contact with the soil observation point, as saturation velocity increased from 3 to 8 times the speed of a single wetting front. Results also showed the soil pore pressure in front of the wetting front contacts have dropped sharply; The pore pressure decrease rate of dual-wetting front is 2 to 3 times to the rate of single-wetting front. In a moment of time pore pressure lowest point of the wetting front arrival, the soil mass trend to dense cause by negative pore pressure, oppositely, the displacement sharply increasing as the soil approach to full saturation. When the pore pressure of soil mass reached zero from negative pressure, the shear strain in the dual-wetting front exposure also significantly higher in single-wetting front. The contact of two wetting front, which arising from infiltration and ground water, speeds up the soil saturation rate and dramatically changes pore pressure, and causes slope significant deformation.


