  • 學位論文

越南Kon Tum省實施「少數民族橡膠種植計畫」可行性之研究

A Study on Feasibility of Rubber Plantation Program for Ethic Minority People in Kon Tum Province of Vietnam

指導教授 : 黃文琪


Kon Tum 省是越南南部高原其中的一個山地省。Bana, Xedang, GieChieng, G’rai, B’rou, R’man 等少數民族佔該省人口百分之五十四;這些少數民族同時也佔全省91.77%的貧民(一個人每個月的收入只有11.90美金以下)。大部分貧窮的少數民族住在離公路很遠的地方,因此他們能獲得的社會福利如教育、健康服務等相當有限。傳統農業生產方式以及有限的社會福利導致本省經濟社會不發達。橡膠是一種環保又具推動社會發展的植物。因此,推廣橡膠種植的田莊是該省政府最優先採用的社會經濟發展的策略,以做好農村扶貧工作。 本論文的研究目的是爲進行橡膠種植計畫尋找一個適合的方向,以以做好農村扶貧工作。本文所搜集的資料來自於200份的問卷調查,調查範圍包括Kon Tum的四郡:Dak Ha, Dak To, Sa Thay 和 Ngoc Hoi。問卷内容包括2部分:經濟社會問題問答和對橡膠種植計畫的意見。 本研究者發現:第一、調查結果顯示全省98.5%是農夫,他們的收入主要來自耕田而且往往不夠生活。另外,100%農夫都有他們自己的土地,其中87%有農民有土地所有權的證件,60.8%具有橡膠種植需要的農具。第二、比較有挑戰性的是政府給人民補助的貸款還不夠多,投入因素的價錢又高,以及貧民對市場的了解有限。第三、貧民者希望政府有能更多的補助,尤其免100%免除貸款利息,推廣橡膠種植的信息,增加給予橡膠種植地域補助,介紹合理投入因素來源和一個穩定的市場。第四、關於橡膠對環境的影響也有很多相反的意見。最後,橡膠種植有著發展的潛能。 據研究結果,爲了能夠有效地進行橡膠種植方案,省政府應該注重下列幾個問題:1)增加補助,以鼓勵橡膠種植和推廣市場訊息2)尋找一個穩定的市場,3)延長技術訓練期間,以提升橡膠種植的效果和保護環境。


Kon Tum is one of the mountainous provinces in the central highland of Vietnam. The ethnic minority people (Bana, Xedang, Gie Chieng, G’rai, B’rou, R’man, etc.) constitute 54% of the population and represents 91.77% of the total poor households (less than US$11.90 per person per month) in the province. Most of the ethnic minority population lives far away from main highways, making access to social services such as education and health care is limited. Traditional agriculture production is extremely difficult due to poor soil quality and terrain. Whilst, rubber trees, which its environmental friendly, can induce good market values and create a sustainable society. Therefore, sustainable development of agriculture through rubber plantation is one of the poverty reduction policies that are prioritized in the socio-economic development strategy of the Provincial Government. The objective of this study is to develop an appropriate approach for effective implementation of a rubber plantation project in Kon Tum Province; this is in order to alleviate poverty for its ethnic minority people. Primary data was collected via survey through questionnaire, designed by multi-stage sampling method. There were 200 valid questionnaires which were distributed in 4 districts in Kon Tum province. The districts are Dak Ha, Dak To, Sa Thay and Ngoc Hoi. The questionnaire consisted of 2 sections of enquiries; the socio-economic characteristics of respondents and the opinions on rubber plantation program included rubber planters’ opinions and expected rubber planters’ opinions. In this study, the findings were: Firstly, 98.5% of respondents mainly engaged in farming as a source of their family income, but the crops revenue is not sufficient for household expenditure. In addition, 100% of respondents have their own land for cultivation with 87% under certified lands; 60.8% of household respondents have enough laborers for rubber cultivation; Secondly, the government loans to the ethnic people are insufficient; inputs prices are high; and the ethnic people’s knowledge about market is very low; Thirdly, ethnic people’s expectation about the program is high in the area of loans, expecting 100% interest rate support; more rubber public information; more technical support for cultivation of rubber in each planting stage; introduction of reliable inputs places and a stable the market; Fourth, there are two diverse opinions including positive and negative evidences about the impacts of rubber on environment; Finally, rubber has the potential for sustainability. Based on the findings of this study, to implement the rubber cultivation program efficiently, the Provincial Government should focus on: 1) Encouraging the facilitation of greater loans and improve the market information knowledge. 2) The Provincial Government should also look for sustainable markets for the ethnic minority. 3) Strengthen technical training programs to improve rubber plantation productivity and protect the environment.


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