  • 學位論文


Organizational Commitment and Intention to Stay on the Job for Social Worker: The Comparative Research of Public and Private Sector in Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 王仕圖


在社工界的生態,經常性的社工員人力不足、薪資低、工作壓力大、專業未受肯定與專業斷層現象,導致社工員的流動率高,惡劣的工作條件不但消耗社工的熱誠與專業,更等於懲罰社工的善良。因此,本研究藉由組織承諾的研究,探討社工員組織承諾與留職意願的概況,作為後續社工專業發展之參考。本研究以郵寄問卷共回收355份有效問卷,所得的資料經統計分析後,研究發現如下: 一、研究樣本社工基本資料變項中婚姻狀況、育有子女數、就業迄今年資、任職於本機構年資、薪資待遇、擔任職務、服務的人口群,機構特性變項的機構經營型態、機構的業務領域及機構的制度化設計對組織承諾有顯著差異關係存在。 二、研究樣本社工基本資料變項中婚姻狀況、育有子女數、就業迄今年資、服務的人口群,機構特性變項的機構經營型態、機構的業務領域及機構的制度化設計對留職意願有顯著差異關係存在。 三、研究樣本的組織承諾與留職意願有顯著差異關係存在。也就是研究樣本的組織承諾分數越高,其留職意願越佳。 四、研究樣本社工基本資料變項中婚姻狀況、就業迄今年資、薪資待遇、從事的業務屬性、擔任職務,機構特性變項中的制度化設計,能預測組織承諾;社工員基本資料、機構特性與組織承諾三構面一起納入迴歸分析中,研究發現「組織承諾」有中介效果存在。 五、對研究建議為營造社工友善的工作環境、重視組織承諾以強化留職意願,建置社工人力資源規劃、職務輪調增進多元學習機會及制度化設計改善勞動環境,如此才能保障社工員之權益,對組織承諾、留職意願的表現會提高。


社工員 組織承諾 留職意願


In circle of social work, turnover rate of social worker is high due to frequent manpower shortage, low salary, high working pressure, unrecognized professionalism and phenomenon of profession fault. Bad working conditions not only consume social workers’ passion and skill but also mean a penalty to their goodness. This paper makes a research on social workers’ organizational commitment and intention to stay, and thus to provide a reference for future social work development. After mailing questionnaires, this study recycles 355 valid questionnaires and gets following findings through a statistical analysis of data collected: 1. Variables of social workers’ basic information studied include marital status, number of children, work experience years, length of working in current organization, salary, position and target service groups. There is a significant difference relationship between “organizational commitment” and three organization characteristics variables: operation type, business area and institutionalized design. 2. Following variables of social workers’ basic information are studied: marital status, number of children, years of work experience, and target service groups. Significant difference relationship exists between “intention to stay” and three organization characteristics variables: operation type, business area and institutionalized design. 3. There is a significant difference relationship between organizational commitment and intention to stay. That is to say, social workers have a stronger intention to stay if their organizational commitment score is higher. 4. After investigating variables of social workers’ basic information including marital status, work experience years, salary and income, service attribute and position, this study finds institutionalized design, a variable of organization characteristics, can predict organizational commitment. When three aspects-social workers’ basic information, organization characteristics and organizational commitment-are incorporated into regression analysis, this study finds “organizational commitment” has mediating effect. 5. This study proposes to create social-worker-friendly working environment, value organizational commitment for the purpose of strengthening intention to stay, formulate human resource planning for social workers, increase diversified learning chances through job rotation, and improve working environment by institutionalized design. In this way, it is possible to protect social workers’ interests and enhance their performance in organizational commitment and intention to stay.




項慶武(2016)。社會工作者工作適應關聯因素之研究- 以雙北市社會福利服務中心社會工作者為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-1005201615102822
