  • 學位論文


Performance enhancement of thermophilic anaerobic digestion by a cellulose enriched culture

指導教授 : 郭文健


本研究是結合強化纖維分解菌提升兩相式半連續式高溫厭氧消化試驗;以纖維素有機廢棄物(狼尾草),搭配葉菜類廚餘做為進料基質,藉由添加強化纖維分解菌(TCW 1)來提升產氫及產甲烷的可行性試驗評估。藉由BHP Test與前期實驗所做之結果進行比較。利用分生技術來鑑定菌種是否存活在反應槽內。 半續式反應槽系統反應槽操作條件:有機負荷設計在酸化槽為13 g COD/L-d,醱酵槽為4 g COD/L-d,每日進料量皆0.5 L,酸化槽水力停留時間為6天,醱酵槽水力停留時間為20天,溫度設定皆為55 ℃,每日監測反應槽pH及ORP,將酸化槽pH控制5.5,醱酵槽控制在7.5。 本實驗分成兩階段;第一階段是以狼尾草:廚餘=3:1,TCOD去除率,酸化槽與醱酵槽平均為9.1±8.5%與59.3±8.3%,SS去除率分別為4.1±7.0%與48.3±3.8%,纖維素去除率分別為21.9±8.7%與42.4±3.4%,酸化槽產氫百分比平均為15.9±4.9%,平均產氫量為0.14±0.05 H2 L/ d,醱酵槽產甲烷百分比平均為47.6±5.8 %,平均產甲烷量為6.43±0.04 CH4 L/ d,甲烷回收率為89.12±20.86 %。 第二階段以狼尾草:(廚餘+TCW 1)=3:1為進料,第二階段TCOD去除率,酸化槽與反應槽平均為9.1±8.5%與50.3±11.5%,SS去除率分別為7.3±26.8%與48.3±3.8%,纖維素去除率分別為27.8±11.9%與48.1±15.7%,酸化槽產氫百分比平均為25.1±4.7%,平均每日產氫量為0.34±0.12 H2 L/ d,醱酵槽產甲烷百分比平均為54.3±4.4 %,每日平均產甲烷量為7.95±0.52 CH4 L/ d,甲烷回收率為88.46±12.76 %;經過單一樣本T檢定後,在酸化槽與醱酵槽SS去除率及氫氣與甲烷百分比上都有顯著的關係,P=0.025、0.031、0.005、0.035,在纖維素去除率方面於醱酵槽也有顯著性P=0.010。 以第二階段酸化槽出流液進行BHT Test,迴歸結果顯示,比產氣速率為276.5531 mL H2/g VSS-hr,與前期實驗對本系統所做的BHP Test相比之下(Vmax =7.1 mL H2/g VSS-hr),植入TCW 1於酸化槽後的混合菌液,擁有比原先更佳的比產氣速率。 利用分生技術PCR-DGGE對反應槽內菌種作鑑定,發現隨著操作時間的增加,反應槽內TCW 1的亮帶也有隨之增加,於添加後44天時,有出現TCW 1明顯的亮帶存在,顯示此菌株有存活在反應槽當中。


This study aims at the performance enhancement of a thermophilic anaerobic digestion system using a cellulose enriched culture. Napiergrass and leafy kitchen waste were used to produce hydrogen and methane by the two-phased, semi-continuously reactors under thermophilic anaerobic conditions. By adding the TCW 1 culture performances of SS, COD, and cellulose removal efficiencies were evaluated. BHP test was conducted to evaluate the Vmas and Ks to compare with previous study, and molecular biotechnology was applied to monitor the existence of the seeded culture, TCW1. This study was conducted with a two-phased, semi-CSTR system under organic load rates (OLRs) of 13 g and 4 g COD/L-d, and hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 6 and 20 days, in the acidification and methanogenesis tanks, respectively. Temperatures were controlled at 55 oC for both tanks, reactor pH and ORP were monitored daily, and pHs were controlled at 5.5 and 7.5 in acidification and methanogenesis tanks, respectively. The investigation was divided into two stages. In the first stage, COD from napiergrass and kitchen waste was set at 3:1. TCOD, SS, and cellulose removal efficiencies in acidogenesis and methanogenesis tanks were 9.1±8.5% and 59.3±8.3%, 4.1±7.0% and 48.3±3.8%, 21.9±8.7% and 42.4±3.4%, respectively. Average percentage of hydrogen produced in acidogenesis tank was 15.9±4.9%, with an average gas production rate of 0.14±0.05 H2 L/d. Average percentage of methane in the methanogenesis tank was 47.6±5.8%, with an average methane production rate of 6.43±0.04 CH4 L/d. The average COD recovery was 89.12±20.86%. In the second stage, COD from napiergrass: kitchen waste was the same as stage 1, with TCW1 added in the part of kitchen waste COD. In this stage, TCOD, SS, and cellulose removal efficiencies in acidogenesis and methanogenesis tanks were 9.1±8.5% and 50.3±11.5%, 7.3±26.8% and 48.3±3.8%, 27.8±11.9 and 48.1±15.7%, respectively. Average percentage of hydrogen production in acidogenesis tank was 25.1±4.7%, with an average gas production rate of 0.34±0.12 H2 L/d. Average percentage of methane in the methanogenesis tank was 54.3±4.4%, with an average methane production rate 7.95±0.52 CH4 L/d. The COD recovery ratio of 88.46±12.76% in this stage. The student T test was conducted to compare the performance of adding TCW1 culture, and it was found that after the addition of TCW1, removal efficiencies of SS in the acidogensis and methanogenesis tanks, hydrogen percentage in the acidogenesis tank, and methane percentage in the methanogenesis tank, were significantly improved, with p values of 0.025, 0.031, 0.005, and 0.035. The cellulose removal efficiency was also significantly improved in the methanogenesis tank after the culture addition, with a p value of 0.010. Effluent from the second stage experiment was used for BHP test. Results from regression analysis showed a Vmax of 276.6 mL H2/g VSS-hr. When compared with BHP test from previous study with no TCW1 addition (Vmax =7.1 mL H2/g VSS-hr), it was found that addition of TCW1 culture in the acidogensis tank had a much higher Vmax. Molecular biotechnology of PCR-DGGE was applied for the identification of TCW1 in the reactor. It was found that band of the darkness of TCW1 increased with operation time. After 44 days of TCW1 addition , there was a clear TCW1 band, indicating that the strain has survived in the reactor.


Cellulose Anaerobic digestion BHP test PCR-DGGE


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