  • 學位論文


Application of GIS in estimating the storage of organic carbon in different soils: an example of Jiouru Hsiang in Pingtung County

指導教授 : 余伍洲 陳冠中


土地的轉變、利用以及森林中生態系被破壞和土壤的退化,二氧化碳的釋放和全球氣候變遷都有相當重要的關係,而我們知道有機質在土壤中佔有相當重要的組成部分,土壤有機質會因為分解、生成的階段不同,具有以下的幾種類型:新鮮有機質泛指未被微生物分解的動植物殘體;半分解是有機殘體在缺氧條件下,經微生物作用後形成的黑褐色物質,像泥炭、腐植質及一些簡單的有機化合物,由有機殘體以及有機質分解所產生的化合物。   本研究使用行政院農業委員會農業試驗所中的「土壤資料庫系統」所提供的資料為依據,並且利用地理資訊系統 (Geographic Information System, GIS),主要目的為探討氫離子濃度指數 (pH值)、土壤質地、有機質,及探討屏東縣地區土壤深度0-20 cm 有機質含量並預估土壤碳儲存量。   土壤資料庫系統中的土壤調查報告,九如鄉土系分別是崇蘭系中地形的部分為平坦的沖積平原,舊冬腳與洲子皆屬於平坦的沖積平原,而洲子系中偶爾有階段沖積平原在較高的地方,公館系的地形為平坦中較高的沖積平原,還有大坵園系屬於接近河流溪邊中平坦的沖積地。研究結果顯示九如鄉土系,崇蘭系、舊冬腳系、洲子系、公館系以及大坵園系有機質分為報告書以及實測值,報告書中數值分別為 1.78%、1.86%、2.57%、1.51%、0.81%,實測值為 0.4%、1.64%、2.45%、0.84%、0.91%,推測其土壤有機質會因氣候、pH、地形、質地的關係而受到影響。


Land-cover change, land use and damaged forest ecosystem all have significant connections to soil degradation, carbon dioxide emission and global climate change. It is known that organic matter is an important element in the composition of soils. Depending on different stages of its decomposition and soil production, organic matter falls into two categories: The first is fresh organic matter; it refers to residues of plants and animals which have not yet been broken down by microorganisms. The second type is half-decomposed organic matter, which is black and brown matter of organic residues broken down by anaerobic microorganisms in the absence of oxygen. Examples of half-decomposed organic matter include: peat, humus and simple organic compounds derived from decomposed organic matter and organic residues.   With information derived from the Soil Database System of the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, this study uses the Geographic Information System (GIS) to explore hydrogen ion concentration (pH value), soil texture, organic matter and the organic matter content in soil, from 0 to 20 centimeters deep in Pingtung County, as well as to predict soil carbon storage.   According to the soil survey of the Soil Database System, the Jiuru Township’s soils include the flat alluvial plain area of the Chonglan series; the Jiudongjiao and Zhouzi series, both of which are flat alluvial plains with parts of the Zhouzi series being alluvial plains at higher elevations; the Gongguan series, which is a flat alluvial plain at a higher elevation; and the Dachiu series, which is flat alluvial land adjacent to rivers. This study categorizes the values of organic matter contents of the Chonglan series, Jiudongjiao series, Zhouzi series, Gongguan series and Dachiu series into those indicated in the soil survey and those suggested by actual measurement. The values in the soil survey are 1.78%, 1.86%, 2.57%, 1.51% and 0.81%, respectively, while the values from the actual measurement are 0.4%, 1.64%, 2.45%, 0.84% and 0.91%, respectively. It is reckoned that organic matter contents vary due to climate, pH values, landforms and soil texture.


陳琦玲、林正錺、薛惠文,2000,土壤有機質初始狀態與過度分解現象之關係,土壤與環境,民國八十九年六月,第三卷,第二期,第95頁至第1 1 2頁。
Tsai,Chen-Chi, Hu,Ting-En, Lin,Kuo-Chuan, Chen,Zueng-Sang, 2009, “Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Stocksin Plantation Forest Soils of Northern Taiwan”. Taiwan J For Sci 24(2): 103-15,105-106 pp.
