  • 學位論文


Distribution and Bioconcentration of Estrogenic Compounds in Surface Water, Sediment and Fish from Rivers in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝季吟


藥物、荷爾蒙、合成麝香香料和全氟化合物等新興污染物在環境水體中因其潛在的風險和分佈已成為新的關注議題。其中內分泌干擾物質(EDCs)因可能干擾內分泌系統正常運作,因此,在各國污水廠放流水或河川水體中濃度分佈普遍廣受探討。本研究係針對不同種類包括烷酚類(NP、OP、BPA)及雌激素(E1、E2、E3、EE2、DES)等化合物於臺灣南部兩條溪流(River ER及River LK)水體、底泥、底泥孔隙水及生物體中之濃度分佈及相關性進行分析探討。研究於2013年10月至2014年3月收集38個水體樣品、38個底泥樣品及95個魚體樣品,並以高效液相層析串連式質譜儀檢測樣品中化合物的濃度。研究結果顯示溪流ER 15個測站水體化合物分析平均濃度分別為0.13(E1)、0.2(E2)、0.12(E3)、87.77(NP)及12.14(BPA) ng/L;溪流LK四個測站水體中樣品的平均濃度為1.74(E1)、12.24(E2)、2.09(DES)及29.21(BPA) ng/L。溪流ER孔隙水平均濃度分別為13.27(E1)、147.97(E2)、71.10(DES)、81.37(NP)及2228.03(BPA) ng/L;溪流LK孔隙水平均濃度為20.25(E1)、184.13(E2)、149.38(DES)、336.25(NP)及582.75(BPA) ng/L。溪流LK水體及孔隙水樣品中的雌激素化合物濃度較溪流ER高,而烷酚類則有相反趨勢。溪流ER底泥平均濃度分別為18.81(E1)、12.58(E2)、3.78(E3)、37.43(EE2)、38.40(DES)、180.23(NP)、24.28(OP)及96.45(BPA) ng/g;溪流LK底泥平均濃度為22.0(E1)、33.07(E2)、91.71(EE2)、26.68(DES)、347.74(NP)、13.44(OP)及148.80(BPA) ng/g。溪流LK底泥樣品中的雌激素化合物及烷酚類化合物濃度較溪流ER高。魚體樣品分析溪流ER 5個採集測站化合物平均濃度分別為2.24 (E1)、14.87(E2)、0.39(E3)、0.82(EE2)、2.33(DES)、0.73 (OP)及82.95 (BPA) ng/g,其中濃度最高之測站為ER3,其魚種污染濃度最高為夏威夷海鰱,其次為斑海鯰;溪流LK 3個測站魚體化合物濃度為C站>A站>B站,平均濃度分別為1.04(E1)、6.24 (E2)、1.94(E3)、0.63(DES)及1.45(BPA) ng/g。溪流ER魚體中E2及BPA之BCF平均值為12897及12793;溪流LK魚體中E1及E2之BCF平均值為515及488。溪流ER魚體中DES及BPA之BSAF平均值為0.12 及1.3;溪流LK魚體中E1 、E2、DES及BPA之BSAF平均值為0.006、0.017、0.013及0.003。


Emerging contaminants (ECs) such as pharmaceuticals, hormones, synthetic musk fragrances, and perfluorinated compounds have become the new environmental focus due to their potential risks and universal distribution. Among these ECs, endocrine disruptors (EDCs) can interfere with the normal function of the endocrine system and are therefore widely discussed when detected in river and sewage plant effluent. In this study, we assessed different EDCs including alkylphenols (NP, OP, BPA) and estrogens (E1, E2, E3, EE2, DES) in river water sediment, pore water, and fish from two rivers (River ER and River LK) located in southern Taiwan. Target compounds in 38 water, 38 sediment, and 95 fish samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Average concentrations in River ER were 0.13 (E1), 0.2 (E2), 0.12 (E3), 87.77 (NP), and 12.14 (BPA) ng/L. Average concentrations of target compounds in four River LK stations were 1.74 (E1), 12.24 (E2), 2.09 (DES), and 29.21 (BPA) ng/L. Average porewater concentrations from River ER were 13.27 (E1), 147.97 (E2), 71.10 (DES), 81.37 (NP), and 2228.03 (BPA) ng/L, and mean pore water concentrations in River LK were 20.25 (E1), 184.13 (E2), 149.38 (DES), 336.25 (NP), and 582.75 (BPA) ng/L. Mean surface water and porewater concentrations of estrogenic compounds in River LK were higher than in River ER, but the distribution of alkylphenols tended to be different. The average sediment concentrations in River ER were 18.81 (E1), 12.58 (E2), 3.78 (E3), 37.43 (EE2), 38.4 (DES), 180.23 (NP), 24.28(OP) and 96.45(BPA) ng/g; Mean sediment concentrations in River LK were 22.0 (E1), 33.07 (E2), 91.71 (EE2), 26.68 (DES), 347.74 (NP), 13.44 (OP) and 148.80 (BPA) ng/g. The mean sediment concentrations of estrogenic and alkylphenolic compounds in River LK were higher than in River ER. The average concentrations of compounds in fish collected from five stations in River ER were 2.24 (E1), 14.87 (E2), 0.39 (E3), 0.82 (EE2), 2.33 (DES), 0.73 (OP), and 82.95 (BPA) ng/g. The highest concentrations were found in ER3 stations in Elops machnata, followed by Arius maculatus. Fish concentrations in the order of site were site C > site A> site B in River LK. The mean concentrations were 1.04(E1)、6.24 (E2)、1.94(E3)、0.63(DES) and 1.45(BPA) ng/g. The BCF of E2 and BPA in River ER were 12897 and 12793, while compounds E1 and E2 were 515 and 488 in River LK. In addition, the BSAF of DES and BPA in River ER were 0.12 and 1.3, while compounds E1 , E2, DES and BPA were 0.006、0.017、0.013 and 0.003 in River LK.


