  • 學位論文

兒童美語補習班企業形象、服務品質、行銷策略與顧客滿意度之研究 --以長頸鹿美語中區分校為例

The study of Children English cram school on corporate image, service quality, marketing strategy and customer satisfaction -An example of Center District Campus of Giraffe American English

指導教授 : 謝俊宏


在競爭激烈與變化多端的環境中,成功的品牌形象可形成企業競爭的利器,也會為企業帶來競爭優勢,補教業者唯有建立企業良好的品牌形象,創新服務並提升教學品質,發展各種行銷策略與戰術,提高顧客滿意度,與家長保持良好合作關係,鞏固良好的企業形象,才能在激烈競爭的環境中取得優勢地位。因此本研究旨在探討台灣兒童美語補習班的企業形象、服務品質和行銷活動策略與顧客滿意度之間微妙的關係。 本研究以問卷調查方式,針對中部地區在長頸鹿兒童美語補習班15間分校之現有顧客,共發出問卷數為800份問卷。回收628份問卷,扣除無效問卷15份,合計有效問卷613份;並利用SPSS 20.0和AMOS 18.0版統計軟體進行敘述性統計分析、因素分析、信效度及結構方程模型等統計方法進行資料分析驗證,研究結果有以下發現: 1.服務品質對企業形象有顯著的正向影響。 2.服務品質對行銷策略有顯著的正向影響。 3.服務品質對顧客滿意度有顯著的正向影響。 4.企業形象對顧客滿意度有顯著的正向影響。 5.行銷策略對顧客滿意度有顯著的正向影響。 本研究之結果,期望能提供台灣兒童美語補教業者作為經營策略相關決策之參考,同時就以上研究歸納管理意涵並提出具體建議。 關鍵字:補教業、服務品質、品牌形象、行銷策略、顧客滿意度


In this highly competitive and changing environment, the success of the brand image is able to become the competitive weapon as well as bring the competitive advantage for enterprises.Only to establish a good corporate brand image, to innovate services and improve the quality of teaching, to develop a variety of marketing strategies and tactics, to improve customer satisfaction, to maintain good relationships with parents and to strengthen good corporate image, can cram schools achieve a dominant position in a highly competitive environment. Therefore, this study is aimed to discuss Taiwan Children English cram schools on corporate image, service quality,marketing activities strategy and customer satisfaction, and the slightly influence between those factors. This study was conducted with the questionnaire survey, and 800 questionnaires were sent to existing customers from Center District Campus of Giraffe Children American English Cram School. 628 questionnaires were collected, and 15 invalid questionnaires were deducted, so the total valid questionnaires were 613. Weutilize SPSS 20 and AMOS statistical software version 18 to conduct data analysis verification by the following statistical methods:the descriptive statistical analyzing, factor analyzing, validity and reliability and structural equation modeling.The results and findings of this study were as following: 1.Service quality has a significant positive effect on corporate image. 2.Service quality has a significant positive effect on marketing strategy. 3.Service quality has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction. 4.Corporate image has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction. 5.Marketing strategy have a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction. The results of this study are expected to provide the references about the relevant decisions of the business strategy to Taiwan Children English cram schools, while to conclude managerial implications and to provide the specific recommendations based on the above study. Keywords: Cram schools, service quality, brand image,marketing strategy and customer satisfaction


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