  • 學位論文


The Immigrant City-state's New Homeland Development- A case study of the Royal Community in the Liansheng St. in Chung-Ho District

指導教授 : 蕭百興


臺灣於全球化脈絡下,導致都市化與大量城鄉移民往城市遷移,至2014年,已有80%以上人口集中於都會區,為解決人口移入之大量居住需求,公寓大廈於資本主義市場運作邏輯下因應而生,成為都市實然空間圖像。而隨建築型態改變,社會空間由水平關係轉為垂直關係,亦使非正式社會控制力減弱及獨立自主性逐漸增加,引發門禁社區蓬勃成長,具體呈現都市居住空間私有化,反映當今全球社會與空間發展趨勢,及顯現「都市城堡現象」之空間階層化,其背後所隱含非實質視覺景觀之圍牆、柵欄或監控系統,而為都市發展社會特質分析重要議題。 政府為改善居住環境問題,於1994年提出「社區總體營造」政策,復於1995年公布施行《公寓大廈管理條例》,其本質均期由居民參與以凝聚社區意識,達到住戶自治及建構由下而上市民社會。然囿於法令限制,兩項政策平行施展,致使公寓大廈成為社區營造邊陲地帶。期間雖有學者提出呼籲,推展公寓大廈社區營造為臺灣都市社區邁向永續發展唯一出路,惟仍未受到普遍重視,使其依舊僅著重於管理維護,忽略社區發展,維持人際關係疏離,對公共事務冷漠特性。爰以,值此2015年兩項政策施行均邁向第30年之際,希冀藉由中和世紀皇家實踐經驗探討,印證於公寓大廈推動社區營造之必然性與可行性,及促使各界予以正視。 經由本研究分析發現,惟有將社區營造精神溶入管理維護工作,始可提升住戶對公共事務參與度及向心力,形成長治久安規範力量,完善住戶自治制度與目標。且從生活層面尋找居民共同需求問題,以獲得長期性動員能量,並由舉辦活動及共同興趣群聚之人際關係網絡建立,將都會冷漠鄰居關係發展為朋友間互知、互信關係,破除個體家戶有形空間邊界產生社區一家之生命共同體意識,復以編譜共同記憶以形構地方認同。其實,面對此流動性社會,無論現在或爾後,均面臨生活價值觀及社區新關係重建之共同問題。爰以,唯有落實社區營造精神,激發共同社區意識與認同感,始可實踐「新故鄉」概圖,建構永續發展生活環境。


Under the influence of globalization, Taiwanese citizens have been moving from suburban areas to cities in large quantities. As of 2014, 80% of the population was located in urban areas. In order to meet the large demand of living space required by the incoming population, apartment complexes have been built as a result of the capitalist market. As building styles evolved, social spaces changed from horizontal to vertical relations. This effect has lessened the power of social authority, strengthened the idea of social independence, encouraged the growth of gated communities, and shown privatizing of living spaces. This is an example of spatial stratification under the “urban fortress phenomena,” which has become an important topic in urban and social development studies. Further, this phenomena implies the problem of restricted or controlled visual landscape. In order to improve the living spaces, the Central Government adopted the “Community Empowerment” policy in 1994, and promulgated “Condominium Administration Act Building Administration Division” in 1995. Both policies aimed at the residents participating to build community awareness, achieve residential self-regulation, and create a society that is built by the citizens. However, due to the limitations of regulations, both policies were carried out simultaneously, resulting in apartment complexes becoming the edge group of community empowerment. During this period, even though scholars have mentioned that focusing on the community empowerment within apartment complexes is the only option for Taiwan's sustainable development, it still did not get a lot of attention. Therefore, people still only focused on regulating and management, ignored community empowerment, caused residents to become alienated and indifferent to public affairs. In 2015, these two policies were coming into their 30th year of action, this study hopes to show the possibility and necessity of apartment complex community empowerment through the analysis of the case study of the Royal Community in Chung-Ho District, in order to bring all fields of study to face this issue together. Through this case study, it is found that management and regulating incorporated with the spirit of community empowerment is the only way to make residents raise their awareness of public affairs, build long and lasting social authority, and create complete residential self-regulation and goals. In addition, this study discovers that common living needs to gain lasting residential power; and also let residents build relationships by holding events and get together for the people with the same interests. The goals are to turn alienated neighbors into friends that know, and have trust toward each other; to break the idea of social individuality; to create community memories to strengthen identity place. In reality, when presented with this dynamic society, whether now or in the future, both will be faced with the problems of living values and new community relationship. Thus, successfully spreading the spirit of community empowerment, and stimulating community awareness and identity are the only ways to achieve this “new homeland” blueprint, and build a living space to move toward sustainable development.


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