  • 學位論文


The Effect of Religious Activities on Visitors’ Satisfaction and Revisiting Intention from The View Point of Experiential Marketing: A Case of Karma Kagyu Temple in Zuozhen District in Tainan

指導教授 : 楊東震 葉兆輝


由於現代人的生活緊張忙碌,對於休閒活動有更多元化的要求,而宗教旅遊活動便成了人們紓解身心的休閒活動選擇之一。國內許多宗教單位藉由各種宗教活動結合休閒旅遊的包裝,吸引信眾和遊客們參與,從中體驗宗教文化氣息。這樣的體驗行銷策略更加驅使宗教活動在觀光旅遊市場上形成一股新興潛力。 本研究以台南市左鎮區噶瑪寺之信眾和遊客們為研究對象,以體驗行銷策略探討宗教活動體驗對其滿意度、重遊意願與捐款意願之關係。本研究以問卷調查法收集所需資料,採系統抽樣方式進行,扣除廢卷後得有效問卷210份,主要研究發現如下: 一、受訪者以「女性」居多;年齡層多為「41-50歲」者;職業以「工商業」最多;教育程度以「大學(專)畢業者」居多;過去一年內參訪次數以「第一次」居多;個人月收入以「20,001-40,000元」居多;參訪動機以「認同噶瑪寺宗風」佔最多數。 二、受訪者於「體驗行銷」變項中,「情感體驗」、「行動體驗」、「關聯體驗」對「活動滿意度」和「重遊意願」呈現顯著的影響力,且皆以「關聯體驗」之影響力為最高。 三、受訪者於「體驗行銷」變項中,「情感體驗」、「關聯體驗」對「捐款意願」呈現顯著的影響力,其中「關聯體驗」對捐款意願的影響力高於「情感體驗」。 四、不同社經背景的受訪者,其「參訪次數」、「年齡」、「教育程度」在「體驗行銷」變項中有顯著差異。 五、不同社經背景的受訪者,唯有「參訪次數」在「活動滿意度」、「重遊意願」、「捐款意願」有顯著差異,結果顯示「第一次參訪」的遊客之「活動滿意度」、「重遊意願」、「捐款意願」為最低。


The requirements for leisure activities are more diversified since modern life is busy and stressful. Religious tourism thus become one of the options for people to relieve their pressure. Many religious organizations offer a lots of recreational travel programs containing religious activities to attract pilgrims and visitors and let them experience the culture of religion. This kind of experiential marketing strategy makes religious activities become an emerging potentiality in travel marketing. This study based on the believers and tourists of Karma Temple in Zuozhen District of Tainan City, to investigate the relationship between the satisfaction of the religious activities and the willingness to re-visit and donate. This study collects the required information by questionnaires, using systematic sampling method, the total of 210 valid questionnaires were obtained after deduction of waste volume. The study found as follows: 1. Respondents were mostly “women”; Ages were around “41 to 50 years old”; The occupations of the respondents were mostly industry and commerce; The education level were mostly “University”; Mostly were the first visiting in the past one year; Personal income are around $20,001 to $40,000; Motives of visiting were mostly agree with the religious customs of Karma Temple. 2. In variables of “experiential marketing”, “felling experience”, “acting experience”, “relating experience” have a significant impact on “event satisfaction” and “willingness to re-visit”, and the influence of “relating experience” is the highest. 3. In variables of “experiential marketing”, “felling experience” and “relating experience” have a significant impact on “willingness to donate”, the “relating experience” has a greater impact on the “willingness to donate” than the "emotional experience". 4. “Number of visits”, “age”, “education level” have a great differ from the social background of the respondents. 5. Only “number of visits”, shows great difference in “event satisfaction”, “willingness to re-visit” and “willingness to donate”. The results show that “event satisfaction”, “willingness to re-visit” and “willingness to donate” of the visitors that visit for the first time are the lowest.


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