  • 學位論文


The analysis of use intention and future marketing strategies for the self made dental products

指導教授 : 李樑堅
共同指導教授 : 江育真(Yu-Chen Chiang)


生技醫療產業是未來全球重要發展的趨勢,因此各國政府積極投入大量資源,以培育生技醫療業者。台灣政府也自2005年起,即決定投入發展高階醫療器材產業,並於2007年推動南部生技醫療器材產業聚落發展計畫,目前高雄科學園區所建構的「生技醫療器材專區」,就是以推動「高值齒科產業聚落」為主要執行目標。在牙科領域裡,目前就以人工植牙的發展最為快速,也直接地帶動其相關產品之成長,而人工牙根正是其中最重要的產品。但現行全球人工牙根市場主要仍以歐美國家為主的國際大品牌所把持,台製人工牙根在缺乏品牌與長期臨床數據嚴重不足下,該如何面對國外廠商的強烈競爭而找出自身的競爭優勢,進而在國內市場上佔有一席之地,以邁向更為廣闊的國際市場,是值得進一步深入探討與研究的課題。 本研究透過相關行銷文獻回顧以及現行市場分析,更藉由專家深度訪談獲得初步問題關鍵,而後針對植牙醫師進行問卷調查。根據結果顯示,目前大多數牙醫師選擇人工牙根的主要考量因素為相關臨床數據佐證及品牌知名度,所以來自歐洲的進口人工牙根達到牙醫師的需求而成為主要首選,但對於進口供應商所提供的服務內容的價格、問題回饋機制及產品客製化部分仍有著相當高的不滿意程度,而對於台製人工牙根的使用意願上則以相關臨床數據佐證與優惠價格為主要考量因素。因此,建立品牌來增加產品附加價值能有助台製人工牙根於市場上推廣,而實際的作法可以往企業形象、服務、技術、廣告行銷及通路等多方面地規劃而後執行。


人工牙根 使用意願 行銷


The most of gornverments invest significant resources to foster biomedical industry in the world, because it is an important trend of development globally. Since 2005, Taiwan gornverment has decieded to start the development of hi-tech medical equipment & device indusry, and then promote the development poject of biomedical equipment & device cluster in the southern Taiwan. The「biomedical equipment & device zone」in Kaohsiung science park,mainly is establishing the valued dental industry cluster as the goal. The dental implantation is currently the most rapid growth development in the dental industry, which leads to increase the growth of the related dental products as well, and the dental implant system is just the most important product of them. Since the current market of dental implant is still dominated by the international brand company from Europe and USA. The Taiwan made dental implants are lack of branding recognition and long term clinical reports. It is difficult for Taiwan made dental implants to compete with the other international dental impant companies. Therefore, it is important for Taiwan made dental implant to find out the competition advantages to maintain the domestic market and then go forward to the international market which is worthy to have the further discussion and study. Based on the above, this study has reviewed the relative marketing literatures and the analyzed the current market and also used the depth expertise interview to obtain the initial key fators of the problems, and then conducted a questionnaire survey to the dentists with dental implantation experiences. Mainly forcused on the study of the key factors when dentists chosing the dental impnat system, and the advantages of the foregin brands of dental implant system, and then arrange the collected information for analysis. According to the result, the key factors of dentists chosing the dental implant system are relative clnical report support and brand recognition, and it is the reason that European dental implant systems become the main choice of them, but the dentists still not satisfy on the price、problem feebacks and custom service that the services provided by the import distributors. On the other hand, the use intention of Taiwan made dental implant system are based on the relative clnical report support and cheaper price as the main consideration to the dentists. Therefore establishing the brand recognition to increse the value of the products can assist Taiwan made dental implant systems to promote in the market, and the general practices can be base on company image、quality services、technology、advertising、distribution and so on to do the variety planning then execution.


dental implant use intention marketing


