  • 學位論文


Factors that Related to Spiritual Needs in Patients with Depression

指導教授 : 高家常


目的:靈性需求的滿足,可增加個人內心平靜、提升生活滿意度、健康正向結果和對治療遵從性。然而,在臺灣與靈性需求相關的文獻有待發展,且以鬱症人為研究對象的文獻更是缺之。因此本研究的目的是探討鬱症病人靈性需求、及影響鬱症病人靈性需求之因素。 方法:採橫斷性的相關研究設計,以方便取樣方式於台灣南區某區域教學醫院的精神科病房與門診進行收案。共有202名研究對象完成此研究問卷。研究工具包括中文版靈性需求評估量表、台灣人憂鬱量表、家庭功能評估量表和基本資料。資料收集於2017年4月至10月進行。 結果:此研究對象在對靈性需求五大構面的得分為中等程度。性別、婚姻、宗教信仰、家庭功能、憂鬱程度和自傷/自殺經驗是靈性需求五個構面的預測因子,總解釋變異量為6.5%~17.5%。宗教信仰是與宗教有關的活動與信念(beta=.12)、家庭功能是積極的生活態度(beta=.16)構面的預測因子;家庭功能(beta=.17)、自傷/自殺經驗(beta=-.21)、女性(beta=.22)是給予愛與獲得愛的預測因子。家庭功能(beta=.17)、自傷/自殺經驗(beta=-.15)、女性(beta=.22)是尋求生命意義的預測因子。家庭功能(beta=.30)、自傷/自殺經驗(beta=-.20)是心靈平靜的預測因子。 討論:改善家庭功能失調、減輕憂鬱症狀和預防自傷自殺行為是提升鬱症病人靈性需求滿足的重要因素。


Objectives: Spiritual needs enhance one's inner peace, Life satisfaction, treatment compliance, and positive health outcomes. However, few literatures targeted spiritual needs of patients with depression in Taiwan. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationships among family function, demographics, clinical factors and spiritual needs of patients with depression in Taiwan. Methods: Across-sectional survey was conducted at psychiatric clinics of a district and teaching hospital in southern Taiwan. A to total of 202 particpants completed a package of questionnaires. Insrtruments for the study included the Chinese version of Spiritual Interests Related Illness Tool, the Taiwanese Depression Scale, the Familay APGAR Index, and a personal profile. Data collection was colleted form April to October, 2017. Results: Participants reported their spiritual needs achieving at a moderate level across the five dimensions. Gender, marital status, religious beliefs, familay function, depression level, and suicide attempt were predictors of the specific dimensions on spiritual needs, which accounted for 6.5% to 17.5% variance of each spiritual needs dimensions each. Religious beliefs(beta=.12) was the predictors of “related to belif/religion”. Familay functional (beta=.16) was the predictors of “positive attitudes towards life”. Familay functional (beta=.17), suicide attempt(beta=-.21), gender(femle)(beta=.22) was the predictors of “love to /form others”. Familay functional(beta=.17), suicide attempt(beta=-.15) and gender(femle; beta=.22) were the predictors of “seeking for the meaning”. Familay functional(beta=.30) and suicide attempt(beta=-.20) were the predictors of “peaceful mind”. Conclusions: This preliminary study made a significant contribution to the literature on spiritual care in patients with depression. Enhancing family function, reducing depressive symptoms, and preventing suicide behavior would be beneficil to spirituality.


