  • 學位論文

Establishing the Strategies to Improve the Human Resource at Vinh Long Province Center of Sports and Gymnasium

Establishing the Strategies to Improve the Human Resource at Vinh Long Province Center of Sports and Gymnasium

指導教授 : 陳俊益
共同指導教授 : Ho Sy Tan(Ho Sy Tan)






Today beside the continuous development of science and technology, the process of globalization is going strong. Competitive factors of business such as capital, raw materials, technology, ... gradually becomes saturated. Instead, a new resource, a new competitive factor crucial for the survival and development of enterprises is human - human resources. Within the scope of this article, I would like to mention some basic contentof the human resource management (HRM) and strategy of HRM of enterprises. The content of the article include 5 chapters: Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Literature review; Chapter 3: Research Methodology; Chapter 4: Analysis of research result at HRM at Vinh Long province center of sport and gymnasium; Chapter 5: Conclusion. Systemize the basic ground on the human resourse and the strategies to improve human resourse at a company. The main goal is to analyze the current conditions of human resourse at Vinh Long Province Center of Sports and Gymnasium to discover the satisfactorily done works, the strengths, weaknesses and the reasons of the problems. The methods are used to analyze are the method of systematizing, generalizing, systematically thinking, logically inferring and comparing, the method of interview, make intensive interviews to individuals, small groups and the discussion progress to make a more thorough assessment on the subject researched and also to assess the HR behavior, the quantitative method through the statistical solfware SPSS, the method of forcasting, analyzing using SWOT technology. And the results of the thesis are the recuirement is still passive, and not attract the highly qualified HR, the HR planning strategies are not long term, the HR of the Center is young with good working spirit but attached with it is the shortage of practical experience, the training is good but the after training assessment is not very good, the form of voting and selection at each department, then ranks A, B, C is not proper, the policy on salary that is formed under the criteria which are working position and monthly working days, the level of job completeness of all the center, is improper and the Center still doesn’t have a specific policy to keep the talented, as well as a policy to train and attract the talented.


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