  • 學位論文


The Research on Visitors Revisiting Willingness of Kaohsiung Shoushan Zoo.

指導教授 : 梁鐿徽


本研究旨在了解和探討高雄市動物園顧客知覺價值、滿意度與重遊意願的現況及關係。本研究主要以高雄市壽山動物園遊客為研究對象,採取隨機抽樣抽取高雄市壽山動物園298位遊客為研究樣本,並使用改編之顧客知覺價值量表、滿意度量表及重遊意願量表作為測量工具,運用描述統計、信度分析、因素分析、t考驗、單因子變異分析、皮爾森相關及逐步多元回歸等統計方法進行分析,研究結果指出: (一)高雄市壽山動物園遊客在顧客知覺價值、滿意度與重遊意願現況分析,結果皆呈現中上水準。 (二)不同年齡、教育程度遊客在顧客知覺價值認同上達顯著差異。 (三)不同性別、每月收入、婚姻狀況、年齡、教育程度、職業遊客在滿意度認同上達顯著差異。 (四)顧客知覺價值對滿意度存在顯著影響;顧客知覺價值對重遊意願存在顯著影響;滿意度對重遊意願存在顯著影響。 依據上述研究結果,建議經營者可藉由加強園區景觀的維護與改善、強化動物園服務人員教育訓練及結合其它旅遊業者推出套裝行程,提高遊客整體知覺價值與滿意度,進而提升遊客重遊意願。


The study aims to understand and explore customer’s perceived value, satisfaction and willingness to revisit for Kaohsiung Zoo as well as the relationship among the three. By randomly sampling 298 visitors in Kaohsiung Shoushan Zoo, the study uses modified perceived value scale, satisfaction scale and willingness to revisit scale as measurement tools. With statistics methods, such as statistics description, reliability analysis, factor analysis, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson related and stepwise regression, the study analyzes the results and find: (1) Visitors of Kaohsiung Shoushan Zoo felt good in terms of customer perceived value, satisfaction and willingness to revisit. (2) It is statistically significant for tourists with different age and different level of education in terms of customer perceived value. (3) It is statistically significant for tourists with different monthly income, marital status, age, sex, level of education and occupation in terms of customer satisfaction. (4) Customer perceived value has significant impact on visitors’ satisfaction and willingness to revisit; in return, customer satisfaction has significant impact on their willingness to revisit. In line with the results, the study proposals that Kaohsiung Zoo operators improve visitors’ overall value and satisfaction and therefore enhance their willingness to revisit by strengthening and improving parks service and landscape maintenance, enhancing staff education and training, and combining other travel packages.


一、 中文部分
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