  • 學位論文


The Formation and Development of the translations of “Design” in Chinese-speaking Area

指導教授 : 諸葛正


東方,尤其是東亞地區的設計源起,大致上是在19世紀末,面臨西方工業科技與經濟上的需求,進而叩關進入日本、中國等地以求商業發展之下的連帶衍生產物。西方國家的來到,為各地區的社會文化帶來不少新思維的衝擊。然而在面臨西方文明引進之時,東亞地區的經濟、文化、社會並不與之同步進行。所以當傳統的東方國家遇上西方的工業文明之際,其設計概念並非如同西方國家循序漸進的發展方式,而是依照各個國家對文明的觀感與接受度有所不同而有不同的演進方式。日本的積極汲取、中國的消極前進,與台灣因為日治時期接受日本的概念而被動的推動著。這三個地區對設計的觀感,無論在政策、技術、產業、教育、思想等面向,都朝著不同的方向前去,因此才能造就出各國設計世界的大不同發展。 實際上,「設計(Design)」一詞時至今日,已成為大眾所熟知的常用語。設計不僅包含對生活、心理、物理、視覺等各方面因素的應用意義,並且必須滿足使用者在生活上或工作上的基本需求。然而現今大眾所認知的「設計(Design)」幾乎是在進入19世紀末至20世紀初,伴隨著工業革命機械化與社會現代化的進程所誕生之物。 不過,「設計(Design)」用語在東亞地區的傳播上,卻更早約於1837年工業發展正處萌芽期時,即已透過日本明治維新使節團入西取經時,以文字記錄的方式帶回日本,而展開其開端。而中國的語彙中早已存在著「設計」語彙。 「設計」於漢語中並非一個新興用語,它是一個古老的概念,可以因時代與地域的差別而有所不同詮釋方式,亦可以因不同領域、不同的人而有不同的理解。直至現今,因為各式科技、技術、文化等因素的影響,為使大眾更為清楚的有所認知,也因此另外發展出更多樣的專業術語。在此簡短的敘述中就可以發現,「設計」之語已隨著歷史的變遷而有不同的釋義。雖然「設計」的概念為西方國家所帶入,但面對各地方因為歷史、社會、文化、制度等因素的差異影響,相對的這些名詞也產生出相異的外延解釋,進而形成設計認知差距的結果。 設計理念的產出雖僅只有百年之久,設計領域至今也開始形成一門富有未來展望的學門領域,但當設計者都在追求更高層的設計思考之際,更應試著去瞭解設計在社會時代背景下所要表達的真正思潮與理念。然而台灣設計史領域從發展至今,其建構一直大部分依賴著歐美設計理論界長久以來所建立的分類構造及論述法則,反映在國內設計教育中的設計史相關教學上,也多半呈現出使用來自歐美設計史觀及詮釋方式進行教學的主流模式,雖說這是新的學術發展過程中無可避免的必經過程,但現階段的台灣設計史教育似也應該開始進入思索新設計史研究題材的進階發展階段,以嘗試新的可能性。 綜合以上所述,本研究的主要目的有以下兩點: 1.藉由相關文獻蒐集,梳理日本、中國與台灣之「設計」相關語彙,由設計歷史的演進中,探究其於不同時空、不同場域之下,所產生的交互影響與歷史意義。 2.藉語言社會學以語言共時性的角度,透過各地域不同的社會、文化、教育、制度的發展為導引,梳理日本、中國與台灣各地方設計用語的轉變過程,並解讀各項設計相關語詞於轉變過程中所隱含的社會與文化意義。 「語言」是為在意識傳達交流上最為直接的溝通工具,語言自形成至成為一種約定成俗的概念,甚至被撰述成為文字,必定是已經過長時間的認知與宣達,讓大眾所認可之後,才形成的一種文化共識。因此無論其內涵是否曾經產生相互矛盾與衝突,皆是代表著社會大眾在共同的時空下所形成的共有意識。因此本研究即主要以「設計」用語的時間變遷特徵為目標,再透過研究兩個變量因素,一個是社會,另一個則是語言,以重新回顧當時歷史背景下所帶來的變因,找尋「設計」於當時社會中所代表之意義與特徵,使能重新審視「設計」用語在使用的過程中所能為社會帶來的影響力之所在。至於本研究的主要研究成果如下: 1.設計語彙的使用變化隨著經濟因素而轉移 「設計」是隨著工業革命興起而形成的專有領域。因此在百業待興的東亞地區,為與商貿振興之工業國(如日本承接西方、中國承接台灣)進行銜接,其使用語彙亦隨著工業進展程度進行變化,並象徵著傳統工藝與現代設計物之間的過渡概念。 2.設計語彙隨著文化因素而轉變 設計語彙在脫離原生場域之時,即接續至新的社會與文化歷程之中,而出現設計語彙改變「形態」或改變「語義」的轉化活動出現,進而使語義範圍產生出縮減或擴張的情形,在其各自文化的土壤中發展出不同的樣貌。 3.設計語彙隨著新事物與新概念的出現而轉變 隨著新事物、新技術的出現,致使原有之設計語彙無法完全地展現其內涵的時候,設計語彙會再創制出新的詞彙以替代舊有概念。這情形在近代史中展現的尤其明顯。


語言社會學 設計 語彙


The origin of the design in the east, especially in the East Asia, can be traced back to the end of the 19th century. It is a kind of derivative from the western world when they entered Japan and China for commercial development to meet their demands on industrial technology and economy. The coming of the western countries brought lots of new ideas impacting on the society and culture of each region. However, when facing the import of the western civilization, the economy, culture and society in the East Asia didn''t catch up with the west. Therefore, when eastern countries encountered the western industrial civilization, their concepts of design didn''t develop step by step as the western countries, but evolved differently according to the various perceptions and acceptance levels of each country on this civilization. Japan learnt actively, China developed negatively, and Taiwan pushed forward passively due to the acceptance of the Japanese concept in the Japanese occupied period. The perceptions on the design of these three regions developed in different orientations, no matter on the aspect of politics, technology, industry, education, or thoughts. As a result, the far cry of the designs in each country was born. In fact, the word "design" is known to all till today. It not only contains the application significance on the factors of life, mentality, physics and vision, but also has to meet the basic demands of the users both on life and work. However, the design recognized by people currently is almost derived from the mechanization of the industrial revolution and the modernization of the society during the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th. Nevertheless, the application of the word "design" was spread around the East Asia even earlier. When the mission of Meiji Reform went to the west for learning during the beginning of the industry development in 183, it was introduced to Japan in written, which was the start. And in Chinese, the vocabulary "design" has already existed for a long time. Instead of a new emerging word, the "design" in Chinese is an old concept which can be interpreted and understood variously by people from different fields according to different times and regions. Up to now, it has developed more various special terms due to the impact from different sciences, technologies and cultures, aiming to be understood more clearly by the public. From the brief introduction above, it''s shown that "design" has different meanings with the evolution of the history. Although brought from the western world, it''s affected by the history, society, culture and system of each region. Relatively, these words have extended different explanations, further resulting in the different perceptions about design. Although only a hundred years have passed since the birth of the design concept, and the science of design with future expectations has started to form in this field, the designers have to understand the true thoughts and ideas under the social and era background if they pursue to ponder the design on a higher level. However, with the history developing up to now, the design in Taiwan has constructed on the classification structure and exposition rules which have been produced by the European and American design field for a long time. From the related education on the design history, it''s reflected that the mainstream of education in Taiwan adopts the historical concept and exposition mode of the European and American design. Although it is inevitable in the development of a new science, it seems that the current education on design history in Taiwan has to step forward to another phase, in order to think about new subjects on the studies of design history, and try new possibilities. In conclusion, the study has two main aims as follow. 1. Based on the collection of the related literature, to collect the vocabularies related to design from Japan, China and Taiwan, and to explore the interactive influence and historical significance within different times and regions during the evolving history of the design. 2.Based on the angles of Linguistic Sociology and Linguistic Synchronism, to clarify the changing process of the design vocabularies in Japan, China and Taiwan and to understand the social and cultural significance implied in these vocabularies under the lead of the unique development of society, culture, education and system in each country. "Language" is the most direct communication tool in the consciousness expressing and exchanging. From the birth to becoming a concept established by long usage, further to being recorded in written, it''s undoubtable that the language has been understood and expressed for a long time. Only after accepted by public, it formed a common view of culture. Therefore, no matter its connotation once produced conflicts and collisions or not, it still represents the common view of the public in the same time and region. As a result, the study mainly takes the characteristics shown in the changes of the design vocabularies with time passing as the object, and review the changing factors caused by the contemporary historical background through studing two variables (society and language) to find the meanings and characteristics represented by "design" in the modern world, which enable us to reexamine the influence on the society brought by "design" vocabularies during the usage. The results of the study are listed as follow. 1. The usage of the design vocabularies is changing with the economic factors "Design" is a special field formed with the emergence of the Industrial Revolution. Thus, in the East Asia with much remaining to be done, aiming to link to the developed industrial countries (Japan links to the west and China links to Taiwan), the usage of the vocabularies is changing with the development degree of the industry, which symbolizes the transition from the traditional craftwork to the modern design. 2. The design vocabularies are changing with the cultural factors. As soon as the design vocabularies deviated from the original region, they are used in the new social and cultural history, which caused the changing of morphology and semantics of them. Moreover, the shrinking and extending appeared within the semantic range and developed to different formations in various cultures. 3. The design vocabularies are changing with the emergence of new things and ideas The emergence of new things and ideas results in that the former design vocabularies can hardly express all of its connotations. As a result, new vocabularies are created to replace the old ones. Such a phenomenon was very obvious in the modern history.


Vocabulary Design Socialinguistics


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陳書惠 (2012). 手感設計風格之創新設計探索與創作 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315272351
