  • 學位論文


The Effect of interpersonal, community identity and Fulfillment of needs on loyalty in Social Network Sites - A Case Study of Facebook

指導教授 : 鄭政宗


本研究旨在探討社群網站成員間人際關係、社群認同、需求滿足與忠誠度之影響,並瞭解現況及其因果關係。因此,本研究以Facebook會員為主要研究對象,進行網路問卷調查,總計回收420份問卷,回收396份,有效問卷回收率94.29%。資料經統計分析後,茲將本研究之研究結果概述如下: 一、 整體而言,Facebook會員人際關係重視程度高,且主要多為滿足社交互動上的需求。社群認同中,會員希望透過Facebook與其他成員互動,進而獲得歸屬感,因此對其社群的認同感也是高的。在需求滿足部份,會員多能藉由Facebook上的功能而獲得滿足。而在忠誠度上,會員對於Facebook的喜愛程度與使用頻率上都是偏高的。 二、 不同「年齡」、「職業」、「每月可自由支配所得」、「使用Facebook年資」及「每日平均上網時間」的Facebook會員,其人際關係、社群認同、需求滿足及忠誠度皆具有顯著差異。 三、 人際關係與社群認同對於需求滿足皆具有顯著的正向影響。人際關係、社群認同與需求滿足對於忠誠度也皆具有顯著的正向影響,然而在社群認同對忠誠度未達統計上顯著性水準,推測Facebook功能雖能增進人際間的互動與接觸,卻不代表一定能產生在實際人際上有效的互動,畢竟會員在虛擬世界中所感受的歸屬感與現實環境還是有所差異。而在需求滿足對於忠誠度上具有顯著正向影響。 根據本研究之結果,對社群網站及未來後續研究提出建議,並希望透過本研究之結果能夠更了解社群網站人際關係、社群認同與需求滿足對忠誠度的影響,以提供未來網站業者規劃經營之參考。


This study examines relationships between interpersonal, community identity and fulfillment of needs on loyalty in social network sites and to understand the present situation and its causation. Therefore, this study use Facebook members as the main object of study, and process web surveys. The total returned questionnaires are 396 of 420 and the valid returned rate is 94.29%. Data analysis and the findings of this study are summarized as follows: 1. Overall, the Facebook members take highly priority on mutual interaction and demand mostly on social interaction. As for community identity, members hoped to use Facebook to interact with other members, resulting in a highly sense of belonging and sense of identity of their communities. As for needs satisfaction, some members are through features on Facebook to get satisfaction. On the loyalty, member''s love for Facebook on the extent and frequency of use are high. 2. Facebook members of different "ages", "occupation", "monthly discretionary income", "using the Facebook service" and "average daily Internet time", on their interpersonal relationships; social identity, demand and loyalty are significantly different. 3. Interpersonal relationships and community identity requirements have significant positive effects on loyalty. Interpersonal, community identity and fulfillment of needs on loyalty also are significantly different. However in community identity and fulfillment of needs on loyalty is not statistically different. Facebook features can increase interpersonal contact that is not necessary to cause actual interpersonal relationship.


李月華(2006)。網路人際關係及品牌認同對品牌社群 忠誠度影響之研究。臺北科技大學學報。39 (1) ,103-118。

