  • 學位論文


Application Study of Masonry Work on Slope Protection Constructions

指導教授 : 張子修


本研究探討其砌石工法對環境保護及生態的影響,台灣平原地區之形成,大都是由河流沖積而成,故沿河流中下游之平原地區,其土層中大都含有大量卵礫石,在河流中下游平原地區之農田,其農田間之田埂、護岸、邊坡,均以就地取材,以整地時挖掘出之卵礫石,作為施做之材料,這些以卵礫石施做田埂、護岸、邊坡,隨著不同時期的工法演變下,產生台灣獨特之傳統砌石工法,同時這些由卵礫石施做而成之田埂、護岸、邊坡,形成多孔隙環境,是許多生物之棲身之所。 砌石工法在規劃設計過程中,環境問題是較能深入思索的重點問題,往往偏重在如何以人工結構物在溪流中塑造出特定型態的生物棲地而更進一步將生態的理念,有效整合入水利工程的規劃、設計、施作、乃至後續監測維護過程,確實推動「砌石工法」以利生態環境的重要工作,砌石工法是為了達到邊坡工程與生態保育平衡而孕育催生的,此工法尚有需多進步空間,在科技與時代進步之下,期望可讓此工法再進化以達到最極致理想的生態工法,以讓世人永戴流傳。


This study investigated its Masonry Work on environmental protection and ecological impact, Taiwan plains formation is formed by the river alluvium, Along the plains of the middle and lower reaches of the River, most of its soil contains a lot of gravel, In the middle and lower reaches of the river plain area of farmland, its Ridge farms, Bank protection, slope, with local materials, To dig out the gravel, as applied materials The application of cobble and gravel Ridge, earthworks and slope, with under different periods of evolution,Taiwan's unique traditional Masonry Work, But these by gravel size and into the Ridge, earthworks and slope, forming a porous environment, is the refuge of many creatures. Masonry Work in the process of planning and design, Environmental issues are the focus of more in-depth thinking problems, Mostly on how artificial structures in rivers to create a specific type of biological habitats further ecological concept, Effective integration into the planning and design of water conservancy project, Subsequent monitoring and maintenance procedures, Push " Masonry Work " the important work for the benefit of ecological environment, Masonry Work is to achieve ecological conservation in slope engineering and related balance and born, This method still has much room for improvement, under the science and technology progress with the times, hopes to make this method evolved so as to achieve the ultimate ideal of ecological engineering methods, To let the world wing spread


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