  • 學位論文

活動滿意度對組織承諾、凝聚力影響之研究 -以臺中市後備憲兵為例

Research of Activities Satisfaction Influence on Organizational Commitment and Cohesion - A Case of Taichung City Reserve Gendarmerie

指導教授 : 楊欽城


本研究旨在探討活動滿意度對組織承諾及組織凝聚力之影響。研究採問卷調查作為資料蒐集工具,針對參加臺中市後備憲兵104年聯誼大會成員做為發放問卷的對象,共計發放250份問卷進行施測,回收250份,其中15份問卷填答不完整予以刪除,總計回收有效問卷共235份,問卷回收率達94 %。 所得資料經過描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析處理後,得到之結果如下:(一)不同背景變項之臺中市後備憲兵成員之活動滿意度,在家庭每月總收入、參與其他社團經驗有顯著差異。(二)臺中市後備憲兵成員之活動滿意度對組織承諾有正向影響。(三)臺中市後備憲兵成員之活動滿意度對組織凝聚力有正向影響。(四)臺中市後備憲兵成員之組織承諾與組織凝聚力有顯著正相關。從結果發現活動滿意度對組織承諾、組織凝聚力有著正向影響,因此應藉辦理活動增進成員間之共識與認同。


The purpose of the study is to find out the influence of activities satisfaction on organizational commitments and cohesion. Questionnaire survey was used as data collection tool. Questionnaires were sent to members of Taichung City reserve gendarmerie who participated in friendship meeting in 2015. A total of 250 questionnaires were issued and all got back. Of which, 235 were counted as valid, while the other 15 were counted as invalid due to uncompleted answer. The effective recovery rate is 94%. Descriptive Statistics, Independent Sample t Test, One-way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis were used, and findings as follow: (1) Different background variables of activities satisfaction of Taichung City reserve gendarmerie members have significant differences between monthly household income and participating experience of other social parties. (2) Activities satisfaction of Taichung City reserve gendarmerie members has positive influence on organizational commitments. (3) Activities satisfaction of Taichung City reserve gendarmerie members has positive influence on organizational cohesion. (4) There are positive coherent between organizational commitments and cohesion of Taichung City reserve gendarmerie members. From above results, it is found that activities satisfaction have positive influence on organizational commitments and cohesion, hence, it is suggested to enhance members’ common understanding and recognitions by held activities.


陳巧穎(2007)。台灣區馬拉松賽會管理之比較分析。嶺東體育暨休閒學刊。(5),28 – 36。
