  • 學位論文


A Feasibility Study of Investment Insurance by Internet marketing channels

指導教授 : 王 言 王明智


在現在越來越科技化的時代裡,人們對網際網路日漸依賴,在日常生活中可以說是不可或缺的。網際網路的技術與應用也越來越發達,使得電子商務的交易越來越頻繁,所以在網路上銷售保險,是一個很大的商機。 本研究以『消費者』觀點來探討網路投保接受度之影響因素,參考國內外文獻,形成本研究架構及假設。研究消費者在網路上購買投資型保險的動機與意願,透過問卷方式,來抽測台中市地區,進行網路購買投資型保險的調查。總共發放300份問卷,回收有效份數270份。本研究的研究方法採用敘述性統計以及單因子變異數分析,來探討購買的管道及原因。 本研究結果發現,因便利性而願意接受網路行銷投資型保險佔最多人數,而擔心個人資料外洩,是消費者不願線上購買投資型保險最大主因,而年所得越低者,線上購買投資型保險的意願最低。因此便利性、安全性、消費者年所得,可以提供企業在商品設計上,作為主要的考量依據。


In the present era of increasing technology, people increasingly rely on the Internet, in everyday life can be said is indispensable. Internet technology and applications are increasingly developed, making e-commerce transactions more frequently, so the sale of insurance on the Internet is a great opportunity. In this study, perspective of the consumer acceptance of online insurance factors, reference literature, the formation of the research framework and assumptions. of consumers to buy investment-oriented insurance online motivation and will, through questionnaires, to spot check Taichung area, the online purchase of investment-oriented insurance inquiries. Issued a total of 300 questionnaires, 270 valid copies. Methods of this study is descriptive and ANOVA statistical analysis to explore the purchase of pipes and causes. The study found that, because of convenience and are willing to accept the accounts of investment insurance Internet Marketing maximum number to worry about leakage of personal data, online consumers do not want the main reason to buy the biggest investment insurance, and the more the lower of years, online purchase The lowest investment-oriented insurance will. Therefore, convenience, safety, consumer income years, product design companies can provide, as a major concern basis.


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