  • 學位論文


A Research of Relationship among Leader''s Humor Style and Staff''s Job Satisfaction, Work Stress, Organizational Commitment

指導教授 : 張純莉


幽默感是領導者重要的人格特質之一,經常伴隨著領導者用以改變追隨者,但幽默同時也扮演著「雙刃劍」,可用於正面或負面的目的,為此需要釐清現代領導者所使用的幽默類型。本研究探討領導者所使用之幽默風格對員工工作滿意、工作壓力與組織承諾之關係,其目的在於瞭解領導者所使用幽默之方式與風格類型,是否有助於改善領導能力,提昇員工工作滿意度、減少工作壓力,進而提昇員工對組織承諾,幫助組織提供一個充滿健康與活力的工作環境。 本研究以台灣地區(北部、中部、南部)之在職人員為研究對象,樣本為職訓中心人才課程與救國團社會教育研習班之學員,共發出問卷1450份,回收問卷1074份,回收率為74.06%。其中有效問卷為917份,有效回收率為63.24%。本研究採用Pearson積差相關與簡單迴歸法分析資料,結果發現:(一)領導者幽默風格對員工工作滿意有顯著相關存在。(二)領導者幽默風格對員工工作壓力有顯著相關存在。(三)領導者幽默風格對員工組織承諾有顯著相關存在。(四)若員工工作滿意愈高,則組織承諾愈高。(五)若員工工作壓力愈高,則組織承諾愈低。(六)當領導者表現攻擊型幽默愈高時,員工的工作滿意、組織承諾愈低,但工作壓力愈高。 由此可知領導者使用正向幽默方式,能建立更加完善的組織氣氛,與員工能夠在相互尊重與和諧下工作,以適當的幽默方式時常接近員工,以提高員工的工作滿意度,減輕員工的工作壓力,增強員工對組織的承諾。同時,根據結果更進一步探討其管理實務上之意涵與建議。


Sense of humor is a crucial characteristic to be a leader, which can switch the personality of their people. However, every coin has its two sides. Humorous may also be acted both positively and negatively. Thereby this research focused on the influence which leader’s sense of humor affect the satisfaction of their staff and saw if this characteristic could release staff from high-level working stress meanwhile improve their commitment toward staff to ameliorate the working atmosphere be more dynamic and healthy. This research took current Taiwan’s local staff (from North, Central, and South) to be its research object with samples choosing from Vocational Training Center personnel social education curriculum and workshops of the Youth Corps. A number of 1,450 questionnaires sent with a number of 917 valid returns. Six results analyzed by Pearson Correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis follow: 1.There is a significant relationship between leader’s humor style and job satisfaction of staff. 2.There is a significant relationship between leader’s humor style and working stress of staff. 3.There is a significant relationship between leader’s humor style and organization commitment of staff. 4.The higher level satisfaction staff gains, the greater degree commitment organization possesses. 5.The much intense working stress staff faces, the lower degree commitment organization suffers. 6.Leader’s aggressive humor may decrease the degree of staff’s job satisfaction and organization commitment; meanwhile, working stress may be raised. In general, leader’s active sense of humor could improve the working atmosphere for staffs to work with mutual respects. Therefore, using proper approach to be humor may raise staff’s satisfaction and release their working stress as well as enhancing commitment of organization. Accordingly, this study proceeded to discuss this topic on real managerial affairs.


