  • 學位論文


Research and Discussion on the Implementation and Achievement of Idling Stop

指導教授 : 王文裕


機動車輛排出的廢氣中,所含的污染物濃度減量是近年來受關注的議題,因此,探討機動車輛在怠速中所產生的污染物,其濃度對空氣及人體造成何種污染,是本研究所探討的目的。 車輛在引擎發動狀態下,停駐在原地,在完全不加油門狀態下,讓引擎惰轉的情況,即為怠速。汽機車長久以來是我國人所依靠最密切的交通工具,其對空氣污染之排放也最為嚴重,台灣機車密度遠高於各國,而且我國市區紅綠燈密佈,惰轉時所排放出來的廢氣量對空氣污染的貢獻甚大。汽機車排放的廢氣不但影響空氣品質,也會直接影響我們的健康。本研究應用101年度於各縣市執行怠速熄火與管制計畫,其執行成果進行研究探討,再利用SPSS統計軟體,統計分析年度、地區及車種與各污染物之間,進行判定其相關性,與怠速3分鐘所產生的削減量及耗油量推估。 多環芳香烴是汽柴油燃燒不完全的主要產物,已有16種被美國環保署列為優先管制的污染物質。在紅綠燈林立都會地區交通尖峰時刻,當汽、機車停在十字路口等紅綠燈時,引擎處於空轉的怠速狀態,汽柴油燃燒不完全,所排放的污染物濃度當然飆高,機車騎士即成為最直接的受害者。 經研究分析指出,汽機車排放之廢氣中所含的污染物成份,確實影響人體健康及慢性病的產生,污染物之排放,檢視不同車種各污染排放量情形,因油品不同又可大致區分為汽油車與柴油車兩類,柴油車主要造成NOx、及粒狀物(TSP 、PM10、PM6、PM2.5)等污染排放,汽油車主要造成SOx、THC、NMHC、CO等污染排放,Pb主要來源則來自汽油成分。排放係數分析中,以不同車速、車種、地區與污染物亦呈現其明顯相關性。削減量及油耗對於空氣污染減量亦有想當程度的貢獻。


氮氧化合物 機動車輛 怠速


The reduction of pollutant concentration of the waste gases emitted by motor vehicles has become a topical subject in recent years. This study aims to discuss the hazards of pollutant concentrations generated by the motor vehicles in idling to air pollution and human health. Idling means that the vehicle is parked with the engine starting, and the engine idles under the state of not accelerating. For a long time, motor vehicles are the most popular means of transportation for people in Taiwan, and these vehicles are the main source of air pollutants. The density of motor vehicles in Taiwan is far higher than other countries, and the urban areas in Taiwan are densely covered by traffic lights, so the waste gases emitted during idling seriously pollute the air. Those waste gases not only influence the air quality, but also directly influence humanhealth. This study discussed the implementation achievements of idling stop and control plan in counties and cities of Taiwan in 2012. The data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software to judge the correlation among the year, area, vehicle type and various pollutants. The reduction amount and fuel consumption amount generated during 3 minutes of idling is estimated. The results showed that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are the main product for the incomplete combustion of gasoline and diesel, and 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have been listed as the pollutants of prior control by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. In the traffic peak hours of the urban areas with dense traffic lights, when the motor vehicles are stopped at the crossing to wait for the traffic light, the engine is in an idling state, and the gasoline and diesel are combusted incompletely. As a result, the concentration of the pollutants emitted is quite high, and motorcyclists are the most direct sufferers. The analysis found that the pollutants contained in the waste gases emitted by the motor vehicles are distinctive, which indeed affect the human health and generate chronic diseases. According to the pollutant emission of different types of vehicles, the pollutants emitted can be classified into gasoline vehicle pollutants and diesel vehicle pollutants by different oil. The diesel vehicles mainly emit pollutants such as NOx and particles (TSP, PM10, PM6, PM2.5), gasoline vehicles mainly emit SOx, THC, NMHC, and CO, and Pb is mainly from the gasoline. In the analysis on emission coefficient, different vehicle speeds, vehicle types, areas and pollutants also present a highly significant correlation. The reduction amount and fuel consumption also contribute to the reduction of air pollution in a considerable degree.


nitrogen oxide motor vehicle idle speed


1.彰化縣環保局,「101年度執行停車熄火宣導及管制計畫」期末報告 ,(2012)
3.嘉義縣環保局 「101年度機動車輛停車怠速熄火宣導及稽查計畫」期末報告,(2012)
