  • 學位論文


Effects of Phytoremediation on the Absorption of Metal Lead in Soil by Maize

指導教授 : 程淑芬


本研究以南投市運堀段鉛污染場址進行現地栽種試驗,量測玉米植株高度及各部位重金屬鉛含量,並分析土壤基本特性、土壤中鉛的鍵結型態,探討玉米進行植生復育之可行性以及添加菌根菌、磷肥及有機肥是否影響玉米生長或玉米對重金屬鉛之吸收量。 實驗結果顯示台灣地區氣候及地理位置,非常適合玉米生長,且土壤中鉛污染並不影響玉米生長,玉米吸收重金屬鉛主要以玉米根部及葉片為主,添加適量菌根菌及磷肥有助於玉米生長及土壤中重金屬的吸收,反觀過量則會使玉米植高及鉛吸收量降低,而有機肥試驗中發現,添加有機肥可能會導致土壤中重金屬鍵結型態改變,這些改變將會影響玉米對土壤中重金屬鉛的吸收量。 在經濟效益的部分,植生復育之玉米可以再利用製成飼料、生質酒精以及當替代燃料,雖然帶來的經濟價值有限,但能為植生復育提供額外的經濟來源,以達成長久整治的目的 。 關鍵字: 重金屬、鍵結型態、植生復育、菌根菌。


This study implemented planting test at the lead contaminated site in Yunku Section, Nantou City. It measured the corn plant height and the heavy metal lead content in various positions, and analyzed the basic characteristics of soil and the bonding pattern of lead in the soil, in order to discuss the feasibility of vegetation recovery of corn and whether the addition of mycorhiza fungi, phosphate fertilizer and organic fertilizer influences the corn growth or the absorbability of corn for heavy metal lead. The experimental results showed that Taiwan's climate and geographic location are very suitable for corn, and the lead contamination in the soil does not influence the corn growth. The corn absorbs heavy metal lead mainly through the roots and leaves, a proper addition of mycorhiza fungi and phosphate fertilizer contributes to corn growth and the absorption of heavy metals in the soil. However, an excessive addition would reduce the corn plant height and the lead absorbability. It is found in the organic fertilizer test that the addition of organic fertilizer may change the heavy metal bonding pattern in the soil, these changes will influence the absorbability of corn for the heavy metal lead in the soil. In terms of economic benefit, the corn of vegetation recovery can be remade into feedstuff, bioethanol and substitute fuel, although the economic value is limited, there are additional sources of finance for vegetation recovery, so as to implement long-term remediation. Keywords: heavy metal; bonding pattern; vegetation recovery; mycorhiza fungi


黃瑞彰、江汶錦、林經偉、卓家榮,「菌根菌的特性及田間應用技術」,台南區農業專訊第75 期 (2011)。
林旻秀,「鉛污染土壤特性探討及不同整治技術之研究」,碩士論文,朝陽科技大學環境工程與管理研究所,台中(2012) 。
