  • 學位論文


Removal of heavy metals from domestic sewage sludge by electrokinetic process

指導教授 : 章日行


電動力技術是一個簡單、有效且具潛力的復育技術,因此本研究利用該技術處理台中市某水資源回收中心受重金屬污染之下水污泥,由於下水污泥中具有極高的有機物,可作為堆肥使用,倘若下水污泥中的重金屬若不慎暴露於環境恐對生態潛藏威脅性。本研究利用電動力技術並改變操作電壓,探討下水污泥重金屬去除率及回收率,並估算其操作成本。 初步試驗將樣品進行簡單隨機採樣、前處理、重金屬型態分析及下水污泥基本特性分析,利用不鏽鋼做為陰極端及二氧化銥做為陽極端,並以自來水作為電解液,改變電壓梯度 (2V cm-1、3V cm-1及5V cm-1) 進行5天電動力試驗。因電動力操作過程中,陰極端所產生之氫氧根離子導致pH鹼化影響重金屬沉澱,於是架設一部自動加藥機,加藥機添加液配置0.01M硝酸,使得陰極端維持於酸性狀態,經試驗5天後,重金屬去除率除了銅與鋅之外,皆達土壤管制標準。但重金屬總量多寡無法作為環境風險評估的指標,於試驗結束後分析重金屬鍵結型態及回收效率,並初估電動力成本。 對於電動力去除下水污泥重金屬之研究結果發現,銅與鋅去除效果不佳主要原因為銅大部分以有機態及殘留態存在,需使用較強的氧化能力,方能使得鐵錳氧化態有效轉為較弱之鍵結型態,而殘留態屬於原生礦物其鍵結型態較強不易受電動力影響,使得電動力處理效果偏低,鋅則因存在濃度較高,下水污泥污染物相互競爭導致去除效果不佳。


Electrokinetic technology is a simple, effective and possessed potential repopulation technology, In this study, the technical processing of a water recycling center in Taichung City of sewage sludge contaminated by heavy metals, because sewage sludge with high organic matter, can be used as compost use, If the sewage sludge of heavy metals if inadvertently exposed to potential threats to the ecological environment of fear. This study, electrical power technology and change the operating voltage, discussion of heavy metals in sewage sludge removal and recovery, and to estimate its operating costs. Preliminary tests will sample simple random sampling, pre-processing, analysis and patterns of heavy metals in sewage sludge basic characterization, The use of stainless steel as the cathode terminal and iridium oxide as the anode terminal, The use of stainless steel as the cathode terminal and iridium oxide as the anode terminal, Tap water as the electrolyte, And changes the voltage gradient (2V cm-1,3V cm-1 and 5V cm-1) for 5 days electrokinetic test, Since the process electrokinetic operations, the female will produce extreme pH alkalizing hydroxide ions cause precipitation of heavy metals, Then set up an automatic dosing machine, add the liquid dosing machine configuration 0.01M nitric acid, so that the cathode terminal maintained in acidic state, after 5 days the test, in addition to the removal of heavy metals copper and zinc, all of the soil control standards. Since the total amount of heavy metals can not be used as indicators of environmental risk assessment, analysis of heavy metal bonding patterns and recovery efficiency at the end of the test, and preliminary estimates suggest that the cost of electrokinetic. The results for the electrokinetic, copper and zinc to remove ineffective most of the major copper and residual organic form states exist, so that electrokinetic is low treatment effect due to the presence of high concentrations of zinc, by the isotope effects of competition does not lead to removal best.


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