  • 學位論文


Effect of Gallium and Indium in Irrigation Water on Paddy Rice Growth and Production

指導教授 : 張簡水紋


近年來光電業發達,其相關產業產生之廢棄物或廢水中含繁雜重金屬,可能造成土壤不同程度的重金屬污染,其可能污染土壤的重金屬主要有砷、鎘、鉻、汞、鎳、鉛、鋅及銅等此外還有較為新興之重金屬鎵、銦。而中部科學園區附近又有農民地,且農作物對重金屬之需求不一,有些重金屬量過多時將造成植物毒害,而且土壤中過多的重金屬將被作物吸收累積於植物體內,而含重金屬之作物經由食物鏈將影響人類食用之安全。因此本研究使用鎵、銦兩種稀有金屬元素對水稻進行兩次灌溉試驗,調配灌溉水中含鎵、銦濃度由低到高分別為空白、0.2、1.0、5.0 mg L-1以及空白、1.0、5.0、10.0、15.0 mg L-1進行多次灌溉,使鎵、銦於土壤中濃度達1.2、6.0、30.0 mg kg-1以及7.0、35.0、70.0、105 mg kg-1之後觀察其生長情形。結果顯示水稻於不同濃度處理下,處理濃度越高水稻之分蘗數、稻穀重、株高皆比濃度低之處理效果來的顯著,說明水稻會吸收鎵、銦,對水稻之生長情形無負作用,反之還促進水稻生長。但這代表水稻中會含有不低之鎵、銦含量,至於對人體有無危害之虞,有待商討研究,因此要對鎵、銦進行管制,避免對生物造成不必要之危害。


灌溉水 稻米 重金屬


Electro-Optical Industry is thriving in recent years, and its related industries produced waste and waste water which contains diverse heavy metals may cause heavy metal pollution in different degrees in soil. The major heavy metals which may pollute soil are As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cu and so on. Besides, there are also have some emerging heavy metals , such as Ga and In. There is some agricultural land near the Central Taiwan Science Park. The croppers have different requirements for heavy metals. Some of them have excessive heavy metals will cause toxic effects of plant. And excessive heavy metals in soil will be absorb and accumulate in the plant. The croppers contained heavy metals will influence the edible safety for human through the food chain. Thus, this study used two rare metallic elements, Ga and In, to do irrigation experiment with rice twice. Allocating the concentration of Ga and In in the irrigation water. In ascending order are blank, 0.2, 1.0, 5.0 mg L-1 and blank, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 mg L-1. Progressing irrigation repeatedly to make concentration of Ga and In achieved 1.2, 6.0, 30.0 mg kg-1 and 7.0, 35.0, 70.0, 105 mg kg-1 in soil. And then observed their growth conditions. The study results show that the rice in the processing of different concentrations, the high one's effects of tiller number, rice weight and plant height are all remarkable than the low one. It explained that rice would absorb Ga and In. And they didn't cause any bad effects for the growth of rice, instead they advanced it. However, it means that there had much content of Ga and In. As for they will harm human body or not, we'd like to discuss. Therefore, we should control Gallium and Indium to prevent from unnecessary harm for creatures.


irrigation water rice Indium Gallium heavy met


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