  • 學位論文


Is The Issuance of Convertible Bonds Within a Year After Initial Public Offering a Negative Signal?

指導教授 : 林益倍




The main purpose of this paper probes into "Is the issuance of convertible bonds within a year after Initial Public Offering (IPO) a negative signal?" We use Market-Adjusted Returns Model to examine the cumulative average abnormal returns (CAAR ). The research finds the stocks' price of firms issued convertible bonds (CB) present lasting 30 months significantly (p<0.05) negative CAAR form event month t=+7,and CAAR declines to -32.57% in the end event month t=+36. This result shows that it is really be regarded as a negative signal for outside investors when firms issued CB within a year after offering. Moreover, we do the second phase analysis by utilizing ordinary-income Return on Equity (ROE) ratio as a criteria categorizing the sample to investigate the financing announcement effect. The findings indicate that the monthly CAAR of issued CB underperformed than non-issuing ones for elite class business group (yearly ROE over 15% in the three years). Likewise, the CAAR in backward class business group (ROE in deficit state in any year of three years) in event month +10 to +36 of issued CB firms show significant(p<0.01) decline, and CAAR are -106.45% for three years. The average CAAR of issuers is less 20.10% than non-issuers, and the largest difference of CAAR between both is 38.61% in month +22. In conclusion, the empirical result is in complete accord with our assumption. We suggest the investors can execute pairs trading. They can buy non-issuing CB elite class shares after 1 year of offering and do short selling stocks in first month of backward class business group which issued CB within a year after offering so that they can earn relatively higher returns.


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