  • 學位論文


Development of a Software for Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Wave

指導教授 : 賴俊仁


本研究以速度計(Geophone)為受波器,利用LabVIEW 2010 為開發環境,使用類比數位轉換卡進行波型訊號之擷取及轉換成數位數據,開發一套以多頻道表面波譜法(Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Wave)為基礎的非破壞檢測軟體;為驗證本研究開發軟體之可行性,首先以FLAC 數值模擬雙層土層受擾動後之波動訊號,然後以Park(2004)提出之相位速度分析原理求得多頻道頻譜圖,再於頻譜圖套上其利用Chai 等人(2011)所提出之薄層勁度法計算所得之最接近的理論頻散曲線,即可反推該頻譜圖所表示土層之性質;該軟體具備訊號擷取及分析運算的能力,建構出圖形化輸入介面之形式,讓使用者在人性化的面版上,可進行資料擷取、分析與展現。 由研究結果得知,從頻譜圖可看出數值模擬之頻散曲線與理論之頻散曲線吻合,所以本研究方法是可行的。以LabVIEW 來撰寫程式,對於訊號擷取與分析運算,可在相同的視窗介面下同時進行,增加使用者與系統的互動且介面簡單化,建立出人性化的檢測系統。


The objective of this thesis is to develope a Non-destructive Testing (NDT) system for Multi-channel Analysis of a Surface Wave (MASW). The system uses geophone as the receiver and an analog-to-digital (A/D) converter to convert the analog signal into digital form. In order to verify the feasibility of the software developed in this study, the surface wave propagation signal were simulated with FLAC finited difference software, then the phase velocity analysis scheme of Park (2004) was used obtain a multi-channel spectrum, and compared with a theoretical dispersion curve using the thin layer stiffness method proposed by Chai et. al. (2011). Finally the shear wave velocity stiffness profile was then obtained. The software utilizes a graphical user interface thus making data retrieval, data analysis and data presentation in a single step. From the results of this study, it can be seen that the simulated dispersion curve match with the theoretical dispersion curve, so this research method is feasible. Using the LabVIEW platform can save development time and money. Furthermore the resulting interface is much more user friendly.


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