  • 學位論文


The study of relationship among Team Identification, Place Attachment and Behavioral Intention: A case study of Chinatrust Brothers

指導教授 : 朱瑞淵


本研究旨在探討於臺中洲際棒球場觀賞賽事之中信兄弟球迷,在中華職棒28年例行賽中對於球隊認同、地方依附與行為意圖之關係,總計問卷發放400份,回收問卷400份,有效問卷為398份,有效問卷回收率為99.5%。 研究結果顯示,受訪者以女性居多、年齡分佈以30歲以下之年輕族群為主、未婚比例較高、學歷大多落在大專院校、職業以學生與服務業為主、收入以22,000元以下最高。球迷對於中信兄弟之球隊認同為高程度,地方依附、行為意圖為中上程度。迴歸分析顯示,球隊認同、地方依附對行為意圖皆有顯著正向影響,其中以球隊認同影響程度最高。由多變量變異數分析結果顯示,球迷之基本特性在球隊認同、地方依附與行為意圖上皆有部分顯著差異。 根據結果,建議球團透過行銷宣傳將球團形象更廣為滲入於球迷與非球迷之身心生活,以提升對球隊之認知與認同。依據球迷需求,改造臺中洲際棒球場,並設計主打臺中洲際棒球場之活動,增加球迷與臺中洲際棒球場互動,使球迷對球場之依附感油然而生。藉此將球迷、中信兄弟與臺中洲際棒球場三者之間的情感做更緊密的連結,以增加球迷之消費意願。


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between team identification, place attachment and behavioral intentions of Chinatrust Brothers' fans in the total 28-year races of the CPBL at the Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium. With 400 questionnaires we received 398 effective questionnaires, an effective response rate of 99.5 percent. The result shows that the majority of the respondents are women, under the age of 30, mostly unmarried, and with colleague background. They are now in service industry or during their study as students, with maximum income around NTD $22,000. It shows high level of team identification, and middle level of place attachment and behavioral intentions. Regression analysis shows that the team identification and place attachment have a significant positive effect on behavioral intentions. Team identification is specially with the highest degree of influence. MANOVA shows that the basic characteristics of the fans are significantly different in the team identification, place attachment, and behavioral intention. According to the results, it was recommended to increase marketing activities to the target market, to enhance the team awareness and image recognition. According to the needs of the fans, it was suggested to transform Taichung Intercontinental Baseball field with more specially tailor-made activities to fit the image of Taiwan Intercontinental baseball field. With this, the attachment between baseball fans and Taiwan Intercontinental baseball field would be intensified. With the strong bonding among the fans, Chinatrust Brothers baseball team and Taichung Intercontinental Baseball field, it will make fans more willing to purchase and support.


謝文潔(2012)。中華職棒球迷運動社會化與職棒認同關係之研究。休閒產業管理學刊。 5(2),53-70。
