  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 楊浩二


旅遊業的發展不僅提供了大量的就業機會,並且為國家帶來豐厚的外匯收入,因此各國政府越來越重視發展旅遊業,我國也積極推動各式觀光發展活動。自然資源、社會人文、文化遺產都是我國豐富的資產,應善用台灣旅遊目的地特有的優點,加強旅客認識台灣觀光特色,促進觀光吸引力,提升國家能見度,讓深刻鮮明的目的地意象深植人心,達到真正旅遊市場的競爭優勢。 然而,若管理當局忽略旅遊目的地意象對旅客選擇目的地的影響,則會導致旅客到訪的意願降低。本研究的目的如下:(1) 了解發展旅遊時,影響目的地意象的因素;(2) 探討目的地意象對旅客之行為意圖之影響;(3) 依研究結果,對觀光業者、景點業者、及管理當局提供建議。 本研究發放網路問卷,共回收277份有效問卷,以結構方程式模型 (Structural Equation Modeling, SEM) 評估目的地意象與行為意圖間的因果關係。研究結果發現: (1) 社會經濟環境與公共設施對行為意圖有近似正面的影響; (2) 環境氣氛與自然環境未對行為意圖有正面的影響; (3) 情感意象及文化環境對行為意圖皆有正面的影響。本研究建議,觀光業者、景點業者與管理當局追求觀光旅遊發展前應該要先了解遊客心中的目的地意象,並傾聽遊客的意見及改善旅遊環境,如此,遊客為目的地做口碑行銷,以確保觀光發展的成功。


The development of tourism in many countries not only provides a lot of employment opportunities, but also brings huge foreign exchange earnings. All countries have attached great importance to develop the tourism industry hence. In order to let the world know the true, the good and the beautiful of Taiwan, we should make good use of the characteristic of nature environment, culture heritage, infrastructures, atmosphere, and affective image to enhance tourism attraction and to promote the national visibility. It is important to lead the vivid destination image to go deep into passengers’ heart and reach the real competitive advantage of tourism market. However, few authorities neglect the influence of the destination image toward the destination of the choice of passengers; it may decrease the visit willing. The objectives of this study are described as follows: (1) to understand the factors influencing the destination image; (2) to assess the effects of the destination image on tourists’ behavioral intentions; (3) to provide the tourism manager, the business and the authority with some suggestions. This study uses website to distribute questionnaires. The number of useful sample is 277. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to test the hypotheses presented by the use of AMOS 6.0. The results are as follows: 1. Socioeconmic Environment/ Infrastructures approximate positively influences behavioral intentions. 2. Atmosphere and Natural environment have no influence on behavioral intentions. 3. Affective image and Cultural environment have positively influence on behavioral intentions. The study suggests that the tourism managers, the business, and the authorities should understand the destination of the tourists before promoting the tourism so that the tourism will be developed effectively. Therefore, the tourists make word-of-mouth marketing for the destination to ensure the successful tourism development.


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