  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 陳美芳


本研究主要是探討遊戲型態的轉移,在刻版印象中電動遊戲只能夠在固定地點進行,但是現在電動遊戲已和手機做結合,行動上網用戶快速增加,現在手機遊戲可透過行動網路或無線網路連結網路之方式,與線上使用者來進行連線遊戲;根據國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)統計資料顯示,在2010年底,現在手機使用者使用手機上網進行遊戲的使用者約為12.54%,可見使用上網進行遊戲已經成為現在行動用戶一個流行的休閒娛樂。 本研究以科技接受模型Technology acceptance model (TAM)和計畫行為理論Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)為基礎,以科技接受模型與計畫行為理論整合模型為研究架構,探討影響手機使用者使用手機遊戲的意願,接著以科技接受模型和計畫行為理論之整合模型之十項構念所發展出來之問項,對各層面之手機使用者進行問卷之發放,藉此來了解各層面之手機使用者對使用手機遊戲之意願,接著再依據所得到之問卷資料來進行資料分析,接著使用線性結構模式分析檢定提出之研究架構與假設,結果發現科技接受模型的知覺易用性會影響知覺樂趣,知覺樂趣會先影響對手機遊戲的態度後,再影響使用意願,知覺易用性會先影響對手機遊戲的態度後,再影響使用意願,雖然科技接受模型之某些構念,未能夠直接的影響手機使用者之使用意願,但是皆能夠透過中介效果去影響手機使用者使用之意願,而計畫行為理論則全能去預測使用者想使用手機遊戲的意願,此研究中發現科技接受模型(TAM)和計畫行為理論(TPB)能預測使用者使用手機遊戲的意願,最後本研究根據研究結果給予手機遊戲策略方面一些建議, 手機使用者如果想要進一步的使用手機遊戲的完整版,是需要額外付費的,所以建議遊戲業者可以採用薄利多銷的方式來增加營收,也可以在使用手機遊戲中增加多一點的遊戲方式(例如投射或是使用音效來控制),在畫面當中也可以進一步的發展更為細膩和擬真的遊戲畫面,來增加使用者的視覺效果,進而增加使用手機遊戲之意願。


知覺易用 知覺樂趣 TPB TAM 手機遊戲


The rapid growth of mobile internet causes the transformation of games type from the video games which only can be set in fixed locations to the mobile games which are portable with cell phones. Nowadays, the mobile users can not only surf the Internet but also play interactive games with other mobile users by their cell phones. According to the report of National Communications Commission (NCC, 2010), there are approximate 12.54% mobile users who will use mobile internet to enjoy the games. This shows that playing mobile games with mobile internet becomes a popular recreation of mobile users when they have free time. In this study, technology acceptance model (TAM) and theory of planned behavior (TPB) were combined as a theoretical basis to discuss the mobile phone users’ intention to play mobile phone games. The measurement items of all the ten constructs in this research were adopted and verified from past researches. The research model and hypotheses were tested with structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that the perceived usefulness in the TAM model had positive impact on perceived fun, and perceived fun in turns had positive impact on users’ intention of mobile games through their attitude toward mobile games. Moreover, mobile games users’ perceived usefulness would have positive impact on their attitude toward mobile games and in turns have positive impact on their use intention. Although some of the constructs in TAM model do not have direct impacts on users’ intention of mobile games, all the constructs in TAM model have direct or indirect effects on users’ intention of mobile games. The results indicated that technology acceptance model (TAM) and theory of planned behavior (TPB) can predict the users’ intention to play mobile games. This study also gave some suggestions to the mobile game industry and strategy. Mobile phone users have to pay extra fee for using the full version of the mobile games. Therefore, the mobile game industry can lower the price of downloading mobile games to enhance users’ intention. Moreover, the mobile game industry also can design more subtle and realistic picture of the games to increase mobile games users’ intention.


perceived ease of use perceived fun TPB TAM mobile games


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