  • 學位論文


Influences of New Employee Development Practices on Dispatched Employees’ Turnover Intentions

指導教授 : 陳美芳


為提升企業競爭力及減少人事成本,國內外的企業透過人力派遣公司使用派遣員工的比率越來越高,派遣員工逐漸成為企業運作中重要的一環。派遣員工雖隸屬於人力派遣公司的員工,但工作期間接受任職企業的管理,因此任職企業所實施的人力資源發展對派遣員工具有重要的組織社會化影響。由於派遣員工其非正式雇用關係的臨時性質,本研究透過新員工發展措施的影響,來探討派遣員工知覺的角色壓力及工作不安全感,與組織承諾、工作滿意度及離職意向的關係。 本研究以過去檢視新員工發展措施的文獻為基礎,發展研究模型及設計衡量問卷,並提出假設。訪問任職於台灣百大企業之一的電信公司的電話客服中心的派遣員工為研究樣本。透過直接發放紙本問卷的方式,一共回收350份問卷,最後有效問卷321份,問卷有效率91.2%。經過資料彙整及輸入後,以SPSS 14及AMOS 16進行驗證性因素分析 (CFA) 以及結構方程模式分析 (SEM)。 實證結果支持所有假設,新員工發展措施可減少派遣員工知覺的角色壓力及工作不安全感,降低派遣員工知覺的角色壓力及工作不安全感可正面提升組織承諾,同樣的也可以提升派遣員工的工作滿意度,而提升組織承諾及工作滿意度並可降低離職意向。本研究依據實證結果提出對電信公司客服中心管理面上的意涵,並提出研究限制及未來的研究方向。


In order to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and to reduce personnel costs, the percentage of using dispatched employees through the manpower companies increased year by year in the domestic and international enterprises. Although dispatched employees belong to manpower companies, but they are managed by the client enterprises. Therefore, the human resource development practices of the client enterprises have important influences on the organizational socialization for the dispatched employees. Given the impact of new employee development (NED) practices and the temporary characteristics of the dispatched employees, this study investigates the role stressors and job insecurity of the dispatched employees, and discusses the relationships with work-related attitudes and turnover intentions. Data were collected from the dispatched employees working at a service call center, that department belongs to a telecommunication service company in the list of the 100 largest enterprises in Taiwan. A total of 370 questionnaires were distributed to the subjects in the call center, 352 returned and 321 were used in the analysis after excluding invalid ones. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) with using SPSS 14 and AMOS 16 were conducted to examine the proposed hypotheses in this study. The empirical results support the research framework. NED practices could ease dispatched employees’ perceived role stressors and job insecurity. The less perceived role stressors and job insecurity of the dispatched employees not only enhance their work-related positive attitudes, but also reduce their turnover intentions. Based on the findings of this study, some managerial implications and suggestions were provided to the telecom service call center department.


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