  • 學位論文


Narrative Scheduling in the Process of Design Development

指導教授 : 曹永慶


敘事時序是描述故事發生順序之手法,不同的敘事時序可能引發閱聽者不同的感受,並增加戲劇性效果。若在產品使用過程中加入敘事時序的元素,將可吸引並加深使用者對使用該產品之使用興趣。本研究的目的即為將敘事時序的因素納入產品設計的考量中,探討不同敘事時序在產品使用上的概念結構及形式,以及如何將不同的敘事時序應用於產品設計上。 研究分三階段進行:(1)首先依據文獻歸納出四種敘事時序,並蒐集生活經驗中與敘事時序相關之具體案例,以KJ法整理出各敘事時序之概念結構;(2)接著運用產品使用過程之開始、發展、結果等三階段,對應敘事時序過程之三階段意涵發展在產品使用過程上具不同敘事型式之設計準則;(3)再依所得之設計準則設計成測試樣本,實施敘事時序意象之測試,並以單因子變異數分析,探討不同敘事時序於產品設計樣本之使用過程中之差異性。 主要研究結果歸納如下: (1)針對不同敘事時敘之子概念,共發展出12項具體設計準則;(2)不同敘事時序之產品使用過程愈具不確定性,則愈能引發使用過程之趣味性;反之,需逐步操作才能得到結果者,則易予人「已知、邏輯」之感受;(3)插敘型設計樣本,其使用過程較複雜多變,予人「激動的」,且「有趣的」之感受;(4)正敘型設計樣本,其使用過程較為固定、簡單,且操作時間長,予人「平淡的」及「無趣的」之感覺;(5)逆敘型設計樣本,其使用過程中因操作時感到不確定性,對接下來會發生之事物充滿未知感,而予人「遲疑的」感覺;(6)倒敘型設計樣本,其使用過程因與產品使用經驗,較熟悉產品之操作,而予人「已知的」感覺。


Narrative Scheduling is a way used to describe the sequence of story and can make listeners to gain different feelings with dramatic effect. Product could deepen interest of user on itself if it was added element of narrative scheduling during manufacturing. This study takes the factor of narrative Scheduling into consider to discover the concept structures and forms of product with different narrative schedules and the application in product design. The research can be divided into three stages: (1) summed up four kinds of narrative scheduling by literature review, and used KJ method to organize the cases related to narrative scheduling form life experience into concept structures; (2) compared three phases of product using process ( start, development, and result ) and implications of three phases in narrative scheduling procedure to develop design criteria for products of different narrative type use method; (3) the design criteria were used to design test sample and implement narrative scheduling image test, then the result were be analyzed by ONE-WAY ANOVA in order to understand the differences of product samples using method in different narrative schedules. The results are shown as below: (1) 12 specific design criteria were developed for sub-concept of different narrative scheduling; (2) the uncertainty in the using process can initiate more interesting; on the other hand, the products that need to be operated step by step make people feels the product is already known and logical; (3) the complex and changing using process of sample designed in narration interposed type makes people feel exciting and interesting; (4) the sample designed in sequential narration has a fixed and easy using process addition to long operation time so that makes people feels dull and boring; (5) the sample designed in backward order, with the uncertainty during people using it and be unknown about what is the following, makes people feels hesitate;(6) the sample designed in reverse order makes people feel the product experience is already known.


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