  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship among Behavior of Using Internet, Internet Addiction and Parent-adolescent Interaction - A Case of Junior High School Students in Tainan City

指導教授 : 戴淑貞 黃琴雅


本研究旨在探討網路使用行為、網路成癮與親子互動之關係。以台南市九所國中一至三年級學生,共840名學生做為研究對象,採用問卷調查法進集資行蒐料。所用的工具為「網路使用行為、網路成癮與親子互動關係之研究問卷」,內容包括有「個人背景資料」、「網路使用行為量表」、「中文網路成癮量表」、「親子互動關係量表」、「電腦網路親子互動量表」。所得資料以次數分配、百分比、χ2考驗、t考驗、One-Way ANOVA、Pearson積差相關、典型相關等統計方式來分析。 經統計分析後,本研究的主要發現如下: 一、國中學生網路使用相當普遍,高達99%,且近72%的國中學生網路使用年資都已超過三年以上,有83%的國中學生最常在家上網,網路設備主要以ADSL為主,51%的國中生沒有網路交友經驗,每週上網主要約為7小時以內。 二、常瀏覽的網站類型為遊戲網站類、搜尋引擎類、生活休閒類、個人網站類(或家族網站類)、聊天交友類。上網目的為玩遊戲、抓取軟體和音樂等、獲得資訊、聊天和交友、增加平日與同學朋友聊天的話題。對網際網路相關議題的認識為網路交友、網路購物、線上學習。 三、國中生電腦網路使用情形因個人背景不同而有差異。 四、國中生的網路成癮現象因年級、性別、家庭型態、家庭社經地位等背景不同而有顯著差異,卻不因出生序而有差異。 五、國中生的網路成癮現象因使用年資、上網時間、上網地點、網路設備、網路交友狀 況、每週上網時數等電腦網路使用情形不同而有顯著差異。 六、國中生親子互動關係之現況,不論是以年級、性別、出生序、家庭型態、家庭社經地位來看,親子互動關係主要是以聚頻心繫的互動方式為主。 七、國中生親子互動關係因個人電腦網路使用情形不同而有差異。 八、親子互動關係與國中生網路成癮有相關性。 九、國中生電腦網路親子互動關係因個人電腦網路使用情形不同而有差異。 十、親子互動關係與電腦網路親子互動關係有相關性。


The purpose of the study is to investigate the use of internet of Tainan junior high school students and to examine the relationship among behavior of using internet, internet addiction, and parent-adolescent, interaction. Questionnaires were circulated and 840 valid subjects were collected. Research tools applied in this study including "Background Characteristics", "The Internet Use Scale", "Chen Internet Addiction Scale", "Parent-Child Interactive Relationship Scale", "Parent-Child Interaction on Use Internet Scale". Data obtained were analyzed by Frequency Distribution, Percentage, Chi Square Test,t-tests, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson r, Canonical Correlation analysis. The findings of this research were as follows: 1.Internet is very pervasively used among junior high school students. There were 72% of them have been using internet for over 3 year and, 83% of them usually used internet at home. In addiction, ADSL was the major internet provider, and 51% did not make friends via internet. Generally, there are on average 7 hours of time in using internet per week. 2.The most browsing websites are games, search engine, leisure, personal website (or family website), and marking friends. Purposes of using internet were playing games, downloading software and music, gaining info, talking and making friends, and finding topics for talking with friends and classmates. Making friends, shopping, and learning on line were the most popular internet topics. 3.The conditions of internet usage for junior high school students were difference according to background difference. 4.There were significant difference in age, sex, family type, and socioeconomic status in internet addiction, but there was no difference in birth order. 5.There were significant difference in years, time, location, internet equipments, situation of marking friends by internet, and hours spending per week in the phenomenon of internet addiction. 6.The way of parent-adolescent interactions is mainly focused on “high physical and high psychological, no matter the differences in age, sex, birth order, family type, and socioeconomic status. 7.Parent-adolescent interaction was different depending on the usage of the internet. 8.There were significant correlations between parent-adolescent interaction and internet addiction. 9.Parent-child interaction on use Internet was different depend on the usage of the internet. 10.There were significant correlations between parent-adolescent interaction and parent-child interaction in term of using.




