  • 學位論文


A Study on Staff Nurses’ Work Values

指導教授 : 楊其璇


工作價值觀是影響ㄧ個人對工作所抱持的看法與態度之重要因素。本研究之目的是希望瞭解臨床護理人員工作價值觀狀況,並探討不同之個人屬性與醫院層級的護理人員工作價值觀差異。研究設計採橫斷式調查法,以服務於台中市並符合收案條件之臨床護理人員為研究對象,依醫療院所層級之不同以配額抽樣方式取樣。利用「護理人員工作價值觀量表」,進行研究調查,共回收有效樣本302份,回收率為84%。所得資料利用SPSS for Window 12.0軟體進行描述統計、t檢定及單因子變異數分析。 研究結果顯示:1.護理人員整體工作價值觀平均為2.86分(滿分4分);2.工作價值觀三個構面中以內在價值得分最高,外在價值得分最低;3.工作價值觀各分量表中以「堅毅與能力」得分最高,「成就感」最低;4.醫學中心護理人員「經濟性」得分顯著高於區域及地區醫院之護理人員;5.地區醫院護理人員其「發展性」得分顯著低於醫學中心及區域醫院之護理人員。 醫院中護理人員人數最多,與病人接觸時間最長,護理品質與醫院形象息息相關;本研究期望提供護理主管瞭解基層護理人員之個人特質,做為人員選用與培育之參考,並據以提供個別性之正向激勵,滿足護理人員多元的需求,穩定護理人力。


This study aimed to understand staff nurses’ work values and examine differences of work values among staff nurses of different personal attributes and at different hospital levels. An exploratoy and comparative research design was employed.Nurses’ Work Values Scale, which included three constructs and 13 subscales, was used for data collection.The quota sampling method was used and 360 questionnaires were sent out to nurses who met the inclusion citeria and worked at three hospitals located in Taichung City., incluidng one medical center, one regional hosiptal and one local hospital as classified by Deapartment of Health.Three hundred and two valid questionnaires were returned and included in this study. Results from central tendency measures revealed participants maintained a moderate level of work value, with an average score of 2.86 on a 4-point scale. In addition, staff nurses at this study scored highest on the intrinsic value and lowest on the extrinsic value in the three constructs of work-values. Furthermore, the subscale of Perseverance and Competence was scored the highest and that of Achievement was the lowest among the 13 subscales. Moreover, nurses working at medical centers scored significantly higher on the Economy subscale than nurses worked at other two levels of hospitals. Yet another noteworthy result was that work values among nurses served at local hospitals were significant lower than those of nurses worked at medical centers and regional hospitals. The results of this research provide some references for nursing supervisors to help them understand characteristics of their staff nurses and to develop strategies to improve their work performance.


Work Values Staff Nurse


