  • 學位論文


The influence of green roofs on quality of life for community residents

指導教授 : 林宣宏


摘要 使用綠色屋頂綠化及社區住民生活品質在二十一世紀是一個重要的課題。近年來綠地不斷的失去,使得地球持續暖化,是目前地球上最大的問題,而環保意識的抬頭,讓我們警覺到需再將綠地找回來,並提供場地讓都市社區住民有園藝及一畝田耕種的地方。良好的綠色屋頂設施可以有效的節能減碳,降低屋頂溫度及提供社區住民休閒的空間,用園藝及開發一畝田的概念,可讓社區住民得到良好的照顧及提升生活品質,不用整天關在社區集合住宅自家裡面,讓社區住民能走出戶外,營造共同話題、互相認識、照顧及得到心靈的快樂。除此之外,綠色屋頂植栽可提供有效的隔熱,進而延緩屋頂隔熱磚的老化速度及達到降溫、節能減碳之目的。 本研究在研究程序上,為更深入了解綠色屋頂如何有顯著的降溫效果及對社區住民得到良好照顧的影響,在健康生活品質及社區住民的身、心靈方面則以SF-36量表作為量測之依據,且以H64紅外線測溫儀量測溫度之差異。統計分析以SPSS Windows 17.0版套裝軟體進行描述性統計分析。 研究結果發現綠色屋頂有降溫功效,也會提升社區住民的健康生活品質,不但讓社區住民的身心靈得到寄託,也能有更健康的活動空間。 關鍵字:SF-36量表、綠色屋頂、節能減碳、地球暖化。


Abstract Using green roof to improve quality of living and caring in community residents is an important trend in 21st century. In recent years, green spaces keep losing which increased global warming. This is an urgent problem for the earth. As environmental consciousness gains ground, we must reproduce the green spaces for community residents to do gardening and planting. Energy saving, carbon reduction and geriatric care are important issues we are facing. Well-designed green roof is an effective approach for energy saving, carbon reduction and roof temperature lowering . It also provide a recreative space for community residents. Using green roofs for gardening and planting let community residents get good care and increase the quality of life. It also helps them become outdoorsmen, share the same talking subjects, understand each other, care each other and get spiritual happiness. Green roofs also supply effective heat insulation to reduce wastage of insulating bricks of roofs. In order to explore the green roofs how to lower the temperature and detect difference of degrees, we used H64 infrared thermometers for measurement. We also used SF-36 health survey questionnaire for evaluation of quality of life, bio-psycho-social and spiritual status of community residents. Collected quantitative data were analyzed with Statistical Product and Service Solutions (Version 17) to perform descriptive statistics. The results showed that green roofs provided effective temperature lowering and improved quality of life for community residents. It also made their bio-pyshcho-social and spiritual status better and provided a healthy recreative space for them. Key words: SF-36 health survey questionnaire, Green roof, Energy saving and carbon reduction, Global warming.


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