  • 學位論文


Discussion of the Associated Factors and Satisfactions about the Needs of the Families of Operating Patients

指導教授 : 李復惠


手術過程中護理人員往往較注重病人的照顧,而忽略了在手術房外等候且焦慮之病人家屬的支持與照顧,本研究目的即在瞭解手術病人家屬需求與其相關問題,幫助解決問題與滿足其需求。 本研究設計是採描述相關性研究,研究對象為醫院手術室等候區之家屬。以方便取樣法(convenience sampling),選取病人之家屬,同時符合收案標準者為收案對象,徵求同意後進行收案及結構式問卷填寫,問卷內容包括家屬因素、病人因素及『家屬需求及需求滿意度量表』,來瞭解病人家屬需求及需求滿意度之情形,並分析其影響因素。 研究收集的資料以SPSS 17.0 for Windows 版電腦套裝軟體進行分析,結果發現家屬需求依序為:獲得病人相關訊息、陪伴病人、環境設備、得到支持。家屬需求滿意度依序分別為:獲得病人相關訊息、得到支持、陪伴病人、環境設備;對病人家屬需求與滿意度的影響因素為病人年齡、病人住院日數、家屬年齡、家屬教育程度及職業等;在「獲得病人相關訊息」、「陪伴病人」、「環境設備」、「得到支持」四方面的需求與其滿意度其兩者之間皆呈現正相關。「整體需求」與整體滿意度其兩者之間亦呈現正相關,即當家屬對需求越重要,其滿意度也越高。 希望藉由本研究了解手術病人家屬的需求與滿意度的情形及影響相關因素,提供日後手術室護理服務品質的發展及提升滿意度因應策略之參考。


手術病人家屬 需求 滿意度


Nursing staff often focus on the cares of patient receiving operation in the operation room, rather than the support and care of the family waiting outside the operation room with anxiety. The aim of the present study is to understand and solve the associated issues about the needs of the family of the operating patient. This is a descriptive associated study to the family of the operating patient in the waiting area. By convenience sampling, the family fit the criteria is chosen and in agreement on questionnaire including the factor about the family and patient < Family Needs and Satisfactions of Scale>. The data was analyzed by the computer software, SPSS 17.0 for windows and the results showed that the order of the needs of the family is the information of the patient, accompany of the patient, the surrounding equipment, the psychological support. The order of the rate of satisfaction is associated information, psychological support, accompany of the patient and the surrounding equipment. The factors effect the needs of the family and the satisfaction included the age of patient, the admission day, the age of the family, the education and job of the family. The associated information, psychological support, accompany of the patient and the surrounding equipment present positive association in needs and satisfaction. That means the more the needs are, the more satisfaction is. In our present study, we investigated the associated factor of needs and satisfaction in family of the operating patient. The improvement of needs of the family of the surgical patient can also improve the quality of nursing and satisfaction of the family and patient.


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