  • 學位論文


TRIZ / TIPS— Theory of Inventive Problem Solving to develop the Make-Up Skills of CLP (Cleft lip and cleft palate)

指導教授 : 陳高生


近年來隨者科技發展迅速、醫療的發達,人們在孕育新生命的同時也希望心中的小寶貝可以健康無虞,本研究將深入探討唇顎裂者在醫學美容的治療下瞭解其中對於容貌上的改變,醫療科技的進步往往可以在懷孕前至生產後作出相對應的處理,然而即使手術技術精湛但是容貌上的不同卻也清晰可見,其中則以唇顎裂作為本研究的研究重點,並採用彩妝的精緻手法以及細膩的處理技巧,針對唇顎裂者的傷疤並加以遮瑕,使的容貌更能被社會大眾所接受,描繪出更多創新發展的可能,並藉由彩妝改變容貌撫慰唇顎裂者內心的不自信,在自我認知及自我瞭解的情況下更可以清楚的明白五官特色以及接納自身,使其可以在一點一滴的改變下可以重拾信心,更可以以全新的面貌重新融入社會配合時代潮流的改變。 本研究使用TRIZ創新規則,利用抽象化原理中將彩妝美感運用彩妝相關之技巧尋找改善方法並彩繪出更適合療癒唇顎裂者本身的妝容,同時透過40項發明原則與 39項工程參數為基準尋找出問題並將抽象的美感利用不同種類的彩妝技巧具體呈現,其中則以TRIZ的分割原理歸類出臉部的重點區域其中對於不同臉型提出不同種類的彩妝妝感,並選擇以日、韓、歐美彩妝之技法加以分析研究,將技法與TRIZ做結合最終在兩者之間取得相應的平衡值。


遮瑕 唇顎裂 彩妝技巧 TRIZ


With the rapid development of technology and medical advances, people are expected to have a healthy and lovely baby when creating and nurturing life. Besides, the progression of medical technology could provide mothers with direct and expert assistance during the period of pregnancy. Nevertheless, we could clearly see the differences in one’s appearance and contour even though there are plenty of successful surgical approaches. Hence, the studies will be focused on how to change the appearance of those who have CLP through cosmetic surgery. Also, it can be changed via make-up useful skills and sophisticated techniques so that the scars on people who suffer from CLP could effectively be concealed. After making some changes on their incomplete face, they will not only be familiar with the facial features, but they could regain their self-confidence and have a tremendous faith in themselves. Besides, they could blend in with the society and keep up with trends by a refreshing look. We’ll adopt a creative method called “TRIZ,” which uses the make-up tips aesthetically and abstractly to create beauty. Moreover, it generates a variety of appropriate and suitable makeup for those who have CLP. In addition, we identify the problems through 40 inventive principles and 39 engineering parameters, and use different make-up skills with abstract beauty to be presented visually. Besides, we put the emphasis on Japanese and occidental make-up tips, and combine them with TRIZ. Ultimately, we strongly believe we will strike an equal, excellent and natural balance.


Conceale CLP Make-up skills, TRIZ


1. 黃裕峰(2010),TRIZ 創新設計運用在衣架之改良,國立臺北科技大學工業工
2. 李隆斌(2020),應用TRIZ 理論於電鍍不良品之改善研究,國立臺北科技大學
管理學院EMBA 大上海專班碩士論文。
