  • 學位論文

遺跡觀光遊客懷舊情感及其影響因素 -以舊山線為例

Tourists’ Nostalgic Emotion and it’s Influence Factors in Heritage Tourism-A study of Old Mountain Railway

指導教授 : 湯幸芬


1990年代末期,人們一面憂懼著世紀末的降臨、一面提出各種新世紀願景,同時卻又不斷地回望二十世紀,懷舊之情油然而生,二十一世紀初的今天,懷舊風卻越演越烈,成為當代流行文化的一大重點,人們希望藉由過去而得到安慰,在這樣的情況下,旅遊成為抒發身心的最好途徑,那麼遺跡觀光遊客的特性為何?所產生的懷舊情感又有那些成分?最能影響懷舊情感的因素有哪些?本研究探討參與遺跡觀光的遊客特性,並了解其懷舊情感與影響因素。 本研究利用文獻回顧的方式,建構懷舊情感與影響因素之間的關係,懷舊情感分為空間懷舊、時間懷舊與情緒懷舊三類;在影響因素上分為遊客動機、遊客態度、遊客偏好、年齡、重遊次數和擁擠感等。 本研究於2006年3月以苗栗舊山線勝興車站附近為抽樣地點,得有效問卷201份,由本研究得知,遺跡觀光的遊客男女性別比例都相當平均,年齡分布上以60年次~69年次為主,遊客大部份都擁有大專以上的學歷,屬於高知識分子,在婚姻狀況方面,遊客多以無小孩為主,平均月收入多集中於40,000 元以下的中產階級。 遺跡觀光遊客的懷舊情感,是由空間、時間與情緒三種元素所組成,包含了懷念過去的時光,藉由使用象徵過去年代的空間,可以呈現理想中的境界;而懷舊所觸發的一些正面的情緒,像是溫馨、平靜則帶給人們追求休閒真正的價值。 影響遊客懷舊的因素中,遊客動機、遊客態度、遊客偏好、年齡對懷舊造成正向影響,擁擠感與重遊次數則對懷舊情感造成負向影響。


At the end of the 90s, people were afraid of the advent of the end of the century; on the other hand, they looked ahead with vision for the new century, while at the same time looking back to the 20th century relentlessly. Thus, the turn of the century gave birth to retrospection and the need for contemplation of the nostalgia. The trend of retrospection is now enormous. It has become a great focus of the contemporary popular culture, and the majority of people are seeking comfort from the nostalgia. Under such circumstances, traveling provides a great relief, both physically and mentally. Therefore, what are the characteristics of these historical tourists? What are the components of the emotions that motivate looking back? What are the factors that have great impact on the emotions that hold on to the nostalgia? The objective of this research is to study the characteristics of the historical tourists, and to gain a better understanding of the emotions that cling to the nostalgia and their influences. This research adopted the method of the literature review, in which to structuralize relations between the emotions that cling to the nostalgia and their influences. There are three categories of the emotions that cling to the nostalgia; and they are: the space of the nostalgia, the time of the nostalgia and the emotion of the nostalgia. As for the influences, they are tourist motive, tourist attitude, tourist preference, age, revisit frequency, feelings of being overcrowded and so on. This research was conducted at the sampling locations around the Sheng Shing train station of the Miaoli nostalgia mountain-line on March, 2006. The number of returned valid questionnaires is 201. Based on this research, the ratio of the male and female historical tourists is quite equal, and the age group varies from the year of 1971 to 1980 as the main tourist group. Within this main tourist group, those with education have attained at least the college level, and as far as their marital status is concerned, most of them are childfree. They are classified as the middle class, with a monthly income of less than NTD $40,000. The emotions that cling to the nostalgia, within the historical tourists, consist of the three elements of space, time and emotion. They include contemplating the nostalgia time zone through the usage of symbols to represent the space in the nostalgia in order to show an ideal state of the world; however, the emotions that cling to the nostalgia also involve positive emotions, such as coziness and warmth, as well as the serenity that brings valuable leisure, and which all men are pursuing. The factors that impact the emotions from the nostalgia of a tourist are tourist motive, tourist attitude, and tourist preference. The research also indicates that age has a positive influence on the emotions from the nostalgia, but the factors of overcrowding and revisit frequency have a negative impact on it.


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