  • 學位論文


On the Nature of Transgression in the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa-sūtra: Based on the Interpretation of Master Zhiyi of the Tiantai School

指導教授 : 釋果鏡


本論文共分七章,探討《維摩詰經》〈弟子品第三〉,佛陀派遣第八位弟子優波離尊者向維摩詰菩薩問疾時,優波離尊者自述「不能往詣維摩詰菩薩問疾之原因」,總計經文約四百字。經意係著重在:何者是維摩詰菩薩教導優波離尊者之「直除滅罪法」? 維摩詰菩薩教導優波離尊者之「直除滅罪法」是觀「罪性不在內、不在外、不在中間」,智者大師闡釋此懺法為「觀無生懺法」和「觀罪性空」,其法義深奧難解。為瞭解《維摩詰經》中維摩詰菩薩對罪性之觀點及其法義,乃以漢傳佛教古德之相關注疏為主要文獻,但較多引證隋.智者大師之闡釋,進行探討。因為古德對本經之闡釋,大都引自印度傳入之漢譯經論,諸等皆是佛陀之聖言量,依循修行能成就聖道。因此,將本論文題目定為:論《維摩詰經》之「罪性觀」-以天台智者大師觀點為主。 智者大師所論述的懺悔滅罪方法分事懺和理懺。「觀無生懺法」和「觀罪性空」是理懺,也是本經所探討的「直除滅罪法」,此懺法能滅所有諸罪。關於如何「觀無生」和「觀罪性空」懺悔?請參見本論文第六章。 本論文最後建議法鼓山僧團,在現有的事懺偈頌梵唄上加入理懺之偈頌,合成一首懺悔梵唄發行(請參見第七章),對行者之懺悔業障及止觀修行應能有所助益。


This thesis is divided into seven chapters, mainly focusing on the third chapter of the Chinese Buddhist scripture which translated by Kumārajīva (鳩摩羅什). According to the third chapter, the Disciples' Reluctance to Visit Vimalakirti of Vimalakīrtinirdeśa-sūtra (維摩詰經), ven. Upali is one of the Buddha’s disciples, and the eighth to be assigned to visit Vimalakīrti, who was sick at that time. Ven. Upali said to the Buddha about the reasons why he could not visit Vimalakīrti. The whole paragraph is approximately 400 Chinese words. The emphasis of the text lied in the direct method of repentance that can purify one’s transgressions, which was taught him by Vimalakīrti. The Direct method of repentance taught was to contemplate that all transgression are neither inside, outside, nor in between. Master Zhiyi of the Tiantai School interpreted it “Contemplation on the way to purify wrong views (觀無生懺法)”and“Contemplation on the emptiness of the nature of transgression (觀罪性空)”,which was very difficult to understand. In order to realize the meanings the nature of transgressions in the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa-sūtra, this thesis quoted from commentaries written by Chinese Masters, with focus on the interpretation by Master Shi’i. Historical Buddhist master’s explanations on the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa-sūtra, were mainly based on the citations from the Chinese scriptures that were translated from Indian Buddhist sutras. Containing Buddha’s teachings, through which enlightenment is possible if we can follow and practice them. Therefore, I present the topic of this thesis as- “On the Nature of Transgression in the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa-sūtra: Based on the Interpretation of Master Zhiyi of the Tiantai School”. According to the interpretations by Master Zhiyi, the method of repentance can be divided into “Repentance through realization of the truth (理懺)” and “Repentance through ritual performance (事懺)”. The repentance by “Contemplating on the way to uproot wrong views (觀無生懺法)” and“Contemplating on the emptiness of the nature of transgression (觀罪性空)”are the methods of“Repentance through realization of the truth (理懺)”,which is exactly the topic of thesis paper “The direct method of repentance”. This is the method that can purify all transgressions. As for the methods of “Contemplation on the way to uproot wrong views” and“Contemplation on the emptiness of the nature of transgression”, please refer to the sixth chapter. As a conclusion, the author recommends that the Dharma Drum Mountain Sangha (DDM) to include the chanting of “Repentance through realization of the truth” into the chanting of “Repentance through ritual performance”. With additional melody and make them available for DDM devotees in the form of musical recording. It may helpful to purify the transgression and to benefit the practice of meditation for all practitioners.


陳英善,〈天台圓頓止觀之修證──就十乘觀法而論〉,中華佛學學報第15期 (p3051-333):臺北市:中華佛學研究所,2002 http://www.chibs.edu.tw 104年3月30日。
聖嚴法師著,《修行在紅塵-維摩詰經六講》,台北市:法鼓文化事業股份有限公司, 2011。
陳英善撰〈論「五味半滿相成」所建構的天臺判教〉,《中華佛學學報》第17期(p173-213), 2004年,臺北:中華佛學研究所,http://www.chibs.edu.tw 104年2月20日。
