  • 學位論文


The Meaning and the Function of the Four Immeasurables in the Path of Liberation of Sarvāstivāda School ——Focus on the Vibhāsā Compendia

指導教授 : 莊國彬


在佛教發展史中,部派佛教是很重要的時期,其承接了早期佛教的思想,並影響後期佛教的發展。一般認為說一切有部的解脫次第,依次為資糧道、加行道、見道位、修道位與無學道,但這是否就是一個固定的模式,尚有討論的空間。又過去關於四無量心的研究大多數偏向無量解脫的討論,而對於四無量心與解脫次第的研究寥寥無幾。因此,本文希望討論四無量心與解脫次第的關係,以及四無量心在解脫次第的順序。此外,也探究根相應與四無量心禪定的關係。 在諸多有部的論著中,以三本漢譯《婆沙論》對四無量心的討論最為詳細,而其中又以《阿毗達磨大毗婆沙論》的內容最為完整。而過去的研究鮮少以此三本為研究對象,因而忽略了一些重要的細節。因此,這次我的研究即選擇以此三本漢譯《婆沙論》為主要研究對象。 經研究結果發現,在有部解脫次第中,四無量心不一定單純地屬於「順福分」,它也可以在其它次第中出現,如無學道中。此外,「順福分」與「順解脫分」可以同時具足,也看出解脫五位有先後次序,但是我認為在每一個階段當中都要繼續修福業。再者,四無量心與根相應會導致四無量心禪定的差別。


Buddhist Scholasticism is a very important period within Buddhist history. It inherited the doctrine of early Buddhism and has a huge influence on the later development of Buddhism. It is said that the path of liberation of the “Sarvāstivāda School” is to be divided into five paths. They are “the Path of Equipment, the Path of Application, the Path of Vision, the Path of Cultivation, and the Path of the Adept”. However, whether it is a fixed module still requires more studies. Besides that, regarding the prior studies on the Four Immeasurables they focus more on the topic of the Immeasurable liberation, only few discussions on the path of liberation. Therefore, I try to clarify the relationship between Four Immeasurables and the Path of Liberation of “Sarvāstivāda School”. I would like to study on the connection between “Root”(skt:Indriya)and the “Dhyana” of the Four Immeasurable. Among the “Sarvāstivāda School” abhidharma literature texts, the three Chinese translation of Vibhāsā Compendia bear rich explanations of the Four Immeasurable comparing to others. Moreover, among the three translations Abhidharma Mahāvibhāsā Sāstra has the most complete discussion on the Four Immeasurable. Furthermore, previous studies do not consult the others two Abhidharma Vibhāsā Sāstra which are equally important. These are reasons why I choose the three Chinese translated texts as my primary source. Finally, some conclusions are drawn especially in relation to the main points discussed in the fourth part of the essay. I found that the Four Immeasurables are not only categorized as a “part of the Aid of Merit”, but also are endowed with other function, such as extent the life in the Path of the Adept. Moreover, the Aids to Merit and the Aids to Liberation could simultaneously accomplish, and so far the Path of Liberation had their fixed sequence. We also see the relationship between the Root and Four Immeasurables is affecting the Four Immeasurable in “Dhyana”.


Anderson, C.(1999). Pain and its ending:the four noble truths in the Theravada Buddhist canon. US:Curzon Press.
Willemen, C., Dessein, B., & Collett, C. (1998).Sarvastivada Buddhist Scholasticism: handbuch der Orientalistik. UK:EJ Brill.


