  • 期刊


The Discussion Of The Relation Between Dramatic Circumstances And Shakespeare's "Hamlet"




情境說 戲劇情境 衝突 哈姆雷特


Drama theory is the quintessence of rational understanding of dramatic phenomena, which to the core is the study of general issues of drama such as its development laws, fundamentals and artistic features, and in-depth exploration of various parts of drama writing. At the same time, there is a potential trend in modern drama theory, in drama works, real dramatic conflicts are always based on dramatic circumstances, so dramatic conflicts will not take place without certain circumstance. Dramatization comes from the combination of characters and circumstances. Drama is an art to grasp characters' life motion with circumstances in the pursuit of fulfilling the major task of depicting characters. The paper not only studied the argument of ”The inner conflicts of Hamlet” and its expressions in drama play, but also intended to the discussion of the relation between dramatic circumstances and the hatred of delay in Hamlet.
