  • 期刊


A Brief Introduction of the Past History of The French Flute School


法國長笛學派從1723年布拉偉Michel Blavet在巴黎成名,至1968年勒華Rene Le Roy自巴黎音院院室內樂教授一職退休,其間共經歷245年。在這兩個多世紀的歷程中,從布拉偉開始的長笛血脈從未中斷。並且從1975年第一位巴黎音樂院長笛教授翁德利希到1968年的勒華,共173年間,長笛這個樂器無論教學及演奏的發展都與巴黎裡樂院有直接關係。法國長笛學派並非由某人或某一團刻意成立的學派,而純粹是因為環境使然,在巴黎人才輩出的兩個多世紀中,形成了一個影響全世界的長笛學派。


Since 1723 when Michel Blavet succeeded in Paris to the time Rene Le Roy retired from the professor of chamber music of Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique de Paris in 1968, the French Flute School had run through 245 years. During this period of more than two centuries, the flute sequence initiated from Blavet had never been suspended. Moreover, from the first flute professor of Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique de Paris. Johann Georg Wunderlich. in 1795 to Le Roy in 1968, this instrument was directly related to Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique de Paris in the development of both teaching and performance during the 173 years. There was nobody nor any group that deliberately established the French Flute School; instead, purely due to the environment which contained a host of talented people in Paris for over two centuries, it became the flute school that affected the whole world.


