  • 期刊


The Design Requirements for an E-Health Management Platform: Addressing the Needs of Adolescent Girls at High Risk of Metabolic Syndrome


背景 青少年代謝症候群盛行率日益增加,然而在校園中之健康宣導成效有限。運用青少年喜愛的網際網路方式,有助於專業人員提供相關的健康管理照護。目的 探討青少女的健康管理網頁設計需求,以作為設計健康促進生活型態的護理介入措施之參考。方法 採質性研究法,以滾雪球方式,利用半結構性訪談指引深度訪談20位16-20歲代謝症候群高危險群、能以國台語溝通者且有意願接受訪談與錄音之青少女,以內容分析法進行資料分析與歸納。結果 研究結果發現,青少女的E化健康管理平台設計需求有五大主題:一、網頁介面具吸引力且便於操作;二、可信的資訊與資源;三、個人化量身訂做的健康訊息;四、同儕支持;五、自我監測與學習。結論/實務應用 根據研究發現,建議未來可針對其特質加以設計,建立可輕鬆存取、具有激勵並注意隱私保密功能的網站。期望本研究結果可作為醫護人員提供青少女代謝症候群健康照護與支持之參考。


Background: The rising prevalence of metabolic syndrome among adolescents has not been effectively addressed by current campus-based health promotions. Using the Internet in these promotions may help health professionals achieve better healthcare management. Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to explore the design requirements of an e-health management platform from the subjective perspective of adolescent girls who were at a high risk of metabolic syndrome. The findings may provide a reference for designing nursing interventions that more effectively promote healthly lifestyle habits to adolescents. Method: This qualitative study employed a snowball approach and used a semi-structured interview guide to collect data. A total of 20 Taiwanese adolescent females who were at a high risk of metabolic syndrome, aged 16-20 years, able to speak Mandarin or Taiwanese, and willing to participate and to have their sessions tape-recorded were enrolled as participants and engaged individually in in-depth interviews. The constant comparative method was used to inductively analyze the interview data. Results: Five main themes related to the e-health management platform emerged from the data. These themes included: an attractive and user-friendly website interface, access to reliable information and resources, provision of tailored health information, access to peer support, and self-monitoring and learning tools. Conclusions / Implications for Practice: The findings highlight the key design needs of an e-Health management platform from the perspective of adolescent girls who are at a high risk of metabolic syndrome. The identified themes may be addressed in future revisions / developments of these platforms in order to better address the needs of this vulnerable population and to effectively reduce the incidence of metabolic syndrome. The authors hope that the results of the present study may be used to provide better healthcare and support for adolescent girls with metabolic syndrome.


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