  • 期刊


Constructing a Peer-Led Self-Management Program for Elderly Patients With Metabolic Syndrome




Changes in lifestyle and increasing age are associated with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome. In order to better control the incidence of metabolic syndrome nationwide, healthcare providers must provide age-appropriate care information to their elderly patients that addresses critical factors such as physiological function, social psychology, and emotional and health literacy in order to empower these patients to self-manage their condition and to enhance their self-care-related motivation and confidence. Using peer leaders with relevant experience may be helpful in promoting the learning of self-management skills, as these leaders share backgrounds that are similar to elderly patients in terms of culture and disease-care needs. The present paper proposes a peer-led, self-management program for metabolic syndrome for the elderly that is based on a theoretical framework of self-efficacy. We expect to test this program for effectiveness and feasibility in clinical practice in the future.


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